Chapter 7: 'Yes. Sweg. Not swag.'

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Chapter 7

*Mareen's POV

'Holy crap hide.' I cussed, which is super weird.

'I'm trying but- the closet!' Noelle took my hand and opened the closet door slowly. The closet was super small so only one could fit. 'Get in!' she said. I followed the order and stepped in. She closed it and I sighed.

'What? Who's in here?' the British voice continued.

*Noelle's POV


'What...who are you?!' Liam Payne asked.


' Um...' I asked.

'Yeah. You're the only one here...' he said freaked out.


Think Noelle think!

'Um. Why yes this is me. The grand um...Clarissa. I am uh...I was requested by the lobby to come here and give you a complimentary massage! Come sit here darling!' I quickly got some hair in my face so he could not see me an pulled the fakest French accent (or was it Italian? Idk) I could pull. I pulled Liam into the chair Mareen was at.

' don't look French to me-'

'Oh. Wow. What an insult I am truly offended I should leave and-'

'No I'm sorry love its okay I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend you please excuse me!' he said with sorry in his eyes.


'It's okay. I excuse you. Its just...'

Drama classes, please pay off when I mostly need you.

'My whole life has been rejected from everyone! And...even when I got married ten years ago! My parents just said no. Then,-'

'Married ten years ago what?!'

'Dahling, I'm 44 years old.' I said. He looked at me even more strange than later. I started to fake cry into his lap. He looked at me like I needed mental help. Psh. No I dont.

'Nd then when I told meh parents I wanted to be a professional massager they said no too.' I continued to fake cry. Oh wait, that sounded Irish not french.

'Weren't you french?' he asked me.

'I'm part french and Irish that's why I sound sometimes irish.'

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