Chapter 54

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She flings herself into me, knocking me backwards, but I barely notice because her lips are already on mine. She's kissing me desperately and passionately, never coming up for air. Unconsciously, my feet stumble a bit until I regain my balance and kiss her back.

I try to project my emotions into that one kiss as my lips move in sync with hers. My love, my fears, my relief, all my unidentified emotions course through my mind, and she seems to get it because she responds back even more eagerly. Her lips are soft, yet they are somehow unyielding against mine as I press myself harder against her, holding her tight to me. I've missed her so much.

Vaguely, I hear the audience roaring, but I pay it no attention, and when someone lightly taps me on the shoulder, I haphazardly push the intruder away without taking my attention away from Katniss. I need her like I need air; she is a physical need of mine, like an addicting drug I cannot get enough of. As I kiss her more, she grows bolder, bringing her hands to my hair and tugging on them passionately. Somewhere in the back of my throat, I growl, a feral noise I never knew I could make. Through my closed eyelids, I can see the bright lights, and somewhere in the back of my head, I remember that this kiss is televised and that it is public for everyone to see, but I just can't bring myself to care. All that exists now is Katniss and I. It's like we're the only two people in the world.

I am finally brought to my senses as someone shoves me lightly towards a sofa, and I collapse on it just as Katniss lands on my left. Haymitch stands over us, his eyes twinkling. “Now, that's enough, you two. I had to stop you guys before it got too inappropriate.”

I flush and look over at Katniss. I can still feel a tingling sensation on my lips, and my face seems unnaturally hot. I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants.

She looks down at her hands, which are clasped in her lap demurely, but I can see the red that is spreading across her face. I wonder if she can feel the tingles as strongly as I can.

Haymitch guffaws one last time before leaving us, sauntering off the tiny stage.

Next to me, Katniss gives me a shy smile. The blush hasn't left her cheeks yet, leaving them a rosy pink, and her hair is slightly disheveled. I don't know if it's just my imagination, but she seems to be breathing heavily. She scoots over closer to me, and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her so she's right up by my side. Everywhere her skin touches, mine seems to burn with desire, and it is all I can do to restrain myself from ravishing her with kisses all over again. She snuggles into me and places her head on my shoulder in an intimate position that fills me with love and tenderness.

She's mine now. All mine.

Caesar Flickerman grins at us easily, cracking a few jokes that make me blush, but make the audience roar with laughter. I look down at Katniss and catch her eye as she smiles sheepishly at me. Then, once the audience is all warmed up, it is time for the first part of the interview to begin. The easy part.

The lights dim and the audience quiets down for the first time. A screen descends, but nothing shows up. And then the recap of the Games begin, and I have to close my eyes so I don't relive the horror again.

Katniss's hand envelops mine, and I take it, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Although my eyes are closed, the rest of my senses go into overdrive. I can hear the dialogue clearly, and as the tributes speak, scenes replay in my mind.

The Careers are hunting, and I am joining them. Katniss is befriending the little girl from District 11, Rue. And it goes on and on.

The audience is great. They gasp at just the right times, and laugh and cry whenever it is called for. Soon, to my relief, the attention is shifted off the killings. Of course, this is only because most of the tributes have already died, but I am finally able to open my eyes.

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