Chapter 13

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I avert my eyes from him, trying not to be rude and he turns away, too. I wonder why he had been punished, but communication is forbidden between us and the Avoxes. I hear Effie's distinctive voice coming from down a hallway. Within seconds, she appears in the doorway, with Katniss trailing behind. I look behind me, but the Avox has gone. 

He reappears a minute later, breaking the awkward silence between me and Katniss. Effie hasn't stopped congratulating us and it's getting a tad annoying. I try to tune her out, but she prods me insistently. "I bet your district never has had anything so spectacular, aren't I right, Peeta?" 

When I don't answer, she pokes me, and I mumble "Mmmhm." 

Satisfied, she sits back in her chair and begins talking again. Fortunately, this time her attention is focused on Katniss. I grin as I see Katniss's expression of annoyance.  

The Avox comes around with a tray of long stemmed glasses, which I wave away. I try not to meet his eyes as he moves on to Katniss. She stares at the tray for a second before grabbing a glass and I laugh as I watch her take a sip. Her face twists and it's obvious she doesn't like it.  

I smirk smugly as I watch her try to down another gulp to seem polite. She sputters and spits it out, gagging, and I'm glad I didn't take a glass. Watching her force down the wine is just too funny. Unfortunately, my fun is interrupted as Haymitch strolls into the room and Katniss sneakily puts the glass down by his plate. 

Haymitch seems to have cleaned up a bit; his hair is no longer that scraggly, and his face is clean. He sits down at the table and picks up Katniss's glass of wine, waving to the servers to refill it. Another silent young man dressed in white hastily comes forward and fills it to the brim. Haymitch takes a giant gulp and digs into his food.  

The dinner tonight is delicious and the aroma wafting up from the plates make my mouth water. I finish plate after place of roast beef, but more food keeps piling upon my plate, courtesy of the waiters. They move silently to and fro, blending in the background and drawing little attention. 

Katniss is prodding her plate with a fork and picks up a piece of beef. She examines it carefully before placing it in her mouth and chewing. She doesn't talk much and I wonder what's on her mind (besides food.) 

Cinna and Portia are also talking to each other, no doubt planning their next big thing. Their quiet hum is often interrupted by Effie trying to contribute her own ideas. As no one is talking to me, I try to mind my own business and eat my food in quiet.  

A young girl comes up to the table with a beautiful cake and places it in front of Effie. The cake is intricately made, with frosting designs so delicate they look like they were made with a needle and thread. She lights it quickly, and the outermost edge bursts into flames, illuminating her pale skin and fiery red hair.  

"What makes the fire burn? Is it alcohol?" Katniss asks the girl, who shies away. "Wait, I know you!" Katniss exclaims, and I see the girl imperceptibly nod her head, her eyes sending out a silent warning. 

Effie laughs, "Don't be ridiculous. How can you know an Avox? She's a criminal, Katniss. As if you knew her," she scoffs. 

"Even if you did know her," Haymitch says, "You're not allowed to speak to her unless it is to give an order. She is a traitor, and you are to have no communication with her." 

As he says the word traitor, I see a flicker of recognition cross her eyes. She knows who this girl is. "Oh, I guess I don't know her?" she stammers, looking down at her plate. Her face is bright red and I immediately jump in to save her. 

I snap my fingers and laugh, so everyone looks at me. "I know why she looks familiar! Doesn't she look like Delly Cartwright?" I turn to Katniss. In truth, she looks nothing like the pasty-faced Delly, but that was the first name that popped to my mind. 

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