Chapter 7

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I slowly turn around to face the voice. It is one I'd know anywhere; the voice that tears me apart with jealousy and anger for no apparent reason. I thought I had Katniss all to myself now, but apparently not.

“Hello, Gale,” I whisper.

He is standing in front of another door that I previously failed to notice because it was made to blend in with the wall, painted gray with weapons covering the surface. I feel waves of jealousy roll off me as I look at him and wish I were more like him- stronger, more handsome, and more talented. He strides toward me, his eyes emotionless, as I back up slowly.

His eyes bore into me and he smirks. “I trust you got my note?”

“What note?” I ask, playing innocent.

He obviously sees through my lie because he steps toward me menacingly. He suddenly right in front of my face.

 “Listen,” he whispers, our noses almost touching. “Katniss is like my sister and if anything ever happens to her that is your fault, I'll make sure you never get out of the Games alive.”

He is really starting to bother me now. “Are you sure she's your sister? Because last thing I heard, you thought of her as more than that!” I smirk, trying to irk him.

He seems to struggle incoherently for a second before he glares at me and corners me against the wall. “I would do anything for her,” he growls.

This is too fun, and he's making it way too easy. I smile at him angelically and say, “But you don't want me being too nice, do you? Because she might just fall for me.”

Instantly, I regret saying this, but it's too late. Gale already has me in a headlock. Who knew he could be so violent? I choke and sputter, finally managing to punch his arm, just as Haymitch strolls in. Crap. I'm in so much trouble.

He surveys the room, taking his time before his eyes finally land on us. He seems so nonchalant, and I realize that it's the first time I've seen him without his beer. He actually looks quite lonely without it.

“Peeta, I thought I told you not to come in here,” he says, not acting the least bit mad. He is so strange sometimes. He then turns to Gale. “And I thought we discussed that you weren't to go beyond your door.”

I look down in shame, as Gale mutters something that sounds strangely like “This here dumb-sack came in so I thought I'd teach him a lesson.”

He huffs and strides angrily back to his door, giving me one last glare before addressing Haymitch. “You can't tell him anything, you know. It's against orders.”

This sparks my curiosity. What are they hiding? Haymitch just rolls his eyes and waves Gale away. He impatiently gestures for me to leave the room and hurries me into a hallway.

“No questions,” he whispers tersely, “Not yet.”

He pushes me into his room and I gag at the smell of something rotting. My mind is teeming with questions, but the only thing I manage to get out is “What the heck was that all about?”

He looks at me sadly then sighs.

“You heard Gale, I'm not supposed to talk about it. Just don't go around telling anyone what you saw. Please.” He seems worried.

I nod, still not understanding. “But why was he in there?”

Haymitch stands up and starts pacing the room. “How do I explain this?” he mutters to himself.

Finally, he looks straight at me and says, “The Capitol thinks that room is boarded up because the furniture and roof are unstable. They're too stupid to even check to see if we're lying, because they're selfish, easily scared people. No one is to know Gale is staying in the room, and no one is to know the contents of the room. Please?” It all comes out in a rush.

I pretend to consider it, while he watches me appraisingly. “Fine,” I say, and he relaxes. “However, I do have one condition...” He looks up as I continue. “You have to help Katniss get out of the Games alive.”

He looks surprised as I go on. “No matter how injured I am, if she needs help, help her first.” He frowns, and I say “Deal?”

He takes my hand. “Deal,” he says, giving me a swift, hard glance.

I walk down the hallway, thinking about what I just saw. Honestly, it wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be, and I am slightly disappointed. I still can't help wondering why Gale is here, though. I push the thought out of my mind as I hear someone singing, and I marvel at the beauty of the song.

Of course, I know who it is- Katniss.

Running to her door, I knock on it, and the singing immediately ceases. The door opens a crack and I can see her face peer out. “Peeta...” she says. “What do you want?” I'm not sure if she means to sound annoyed with me.

“Was that you singing?” I ask.

She blushes and says, “Yeah. It's a song I learned a long time ago from my dad...” She trails off, obviously lost in thought.

“Well I was wondering if I could listen to you sing or something- I mean, I don't have anything else to do- Not that your singing is my last resort- I mean...” I say, tripping over my words and blushing.

She surveys me, as if debating whether or not to say yes. Finally, she sighs and says, “I guess,” disappearing behind her door.

I clear my throat. “Um, wanna let me in?” I ask.

“Just come in already!” she says, sounding both amused and annoyed.

I push open her door further and see her sitting at a desk, writing or drawing something that I can't see. I perch on the edge of her bed and look around shiftily, not knowing where I should look or what I should do.

She begins singing as I lie back on her bed. I feel so relaxed, like I could stay in this position forever, listening to her voice. 

kay, so I know Gale wasn't the best choice for who to be behind the door, and it probably doesn't seem logical. I was going to do Haymitch, and I wrote a whole chapter where Haymitch finds Peeta, but I just hated it and it sounded stupid. 

So for those of you that undoubtedly will think "what in the dang heck is Gale doing here? It makes no sense!" it's supposed to tie in with what happens in Mockingjay... just think about it and maybe it'll make sense. 


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