Chapter 30

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okay, so for the next two chapters, i'mma change the rules alright? alright. so if you don't like the chapter vote. SO VOTE FOR THIS ONE. anyway, try not to complain? fine, whatever, you can complain all you want, but this is four pages on openoffice! :P BAHH i was considering going awol because my brain ran away and i need to go find it but then i was like "what the heck, i might as well attempt to write" so here we are. xD but yeah, i promise you in two chapters, you'll finally see katniss again. i think. also, sorry if the facts arent right. i went to b&n on sunday to memorize like 3 chapters so i could write. so yeah. enjoy! sorta. try not to gag. if you do, eat some food. it always helps.

also, you should fan ABBYJOHNSON on wattpad! she is one of my amigos mejor and if you don't fan her i'll come after you with a chainsaw. *chainsaw whirs* that's right. be scared. her stories are awesome, too. my personal favorite is a sweet serenade, but once you fan her, you'll be exposed to a whole new world of amazing abbyness.

alright, i promise i'll save my rants and apologizies for later next time. i hate math, btw.

xox amanda

btw, see that youtube vid? i have to play that piano piece for a comp on sun and next sat :P


I dart through the forest, faster than I ever thought it was possible for me to run. However, despite my efforts, I am still at the back of the group, panting and trying hard to keep up with everyone else. I don't want to get separated from them because if I do, it will surely be the end of me. The fire will somehow find a way to seduce me into the arms of death, to make submission seem brainless and easy. Even now, the smoke is ensnaring my senses and it takes all my effort to keep on going and not collapse on the ground.

I trip over branches, falling on my hands to prevent my head from hitting the ground. The bandages on my hands from my time in the Capitol are long gone, having been torn apart from the first time I fell on the ground. I know my face is bleeding from the thorny shrubs we are dashing through and somewhere in my mind, I register that my bad leg is getting numb, but I ignore the stabbing pain and let the animal in me take over. And of course, as an animal, it's first instinct is survival.

I continue clawing my way through the forest, looking desperately for a source of water, where I will be safe and sound. In front of me, Clove is panting heavily. She chokes and stumbles, falling on the ground in a heap. The other tributes don't bat an eye and don't even try to save her. I hesitate for a moment, wasting a few seconds of my precious time. It is then that I decide to save Clove despite her malevolence. It's just not right to let her die like this.

I lift her up by the armpits and sling one of her arms around my shoulder. She is gasping for air, but gradually regains a sense of herself and begins running towards the other tributes again. I jog along leisurely behind her, making sure to catch her lest she fall backwards again. To my surprise, the fire recedes and I let out a relieved sigh. Thank goodness the Gamemakers decided their fun for the day was done. Cato and the rest of our allies are grouped around a small tree which reminds me of the trees that border the edge of District 12, the ones that require some gardeners to pitter patter around them, watering the trees. Cato's hands are on his knees and he is doubled over, wheezing, while Raine coaxes some water into him. Marvel is walking quickly around the tree, pacing back and forth, scowling at everything. Glimmer, who is sitting at the base of the tree, looks even wilder than usual, her face smudged black and bits of trees tangled in her hair.

I laugh at the irony of the situation. She looks just like a District 12 tribute would in the opening ceremony- covered in ashes,

After I drop Clove off next to Cato, I walk back towards where the fire was to survey the damage. The fire has destroyed everything, leaving a flat, blank stretch where there once used to be trees. The blackened, charred remains of everything lays scattered about the floor and I wonder who has survived the fire. I didn't hear any cannons go off, signaling the death of someone, but I could have missed it amidst all the chaos. There's nothing left for me to do, however, but to go back to my group and wait patiently for night to come.

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