Chapter 19

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I am sitting at breakfast the next morning, drinking a cup of coffee. It tastes bitter on my tongue, but Haymitch tells me it will make me more energetic for my interview. I feel solitary and alone sitting at the long, empty table and hastily gulp down the coffee. It scalds my throat but I don't care because I am running late.

I dash down the hallway and push my way through a door with "dressing room" engraved on a golden plaque. I must've gone into the wrong room because I see a magnificent dress on a mannequin with hair curlers and other supplies scattered across the floor. From behind another door, I hear muted voices, probably Katniss and Cinna talking. I walk out of the room, picturing Katniss wearing that dress. It seems so unlike her to put up with something so sparkly, but I know that she'll look so beautiful in it that she'll light up the entire stage.

I open another door across the hallway with "dressing room" scrawled across it in fancy, curly letters. Before I even step foot in the room, I am smothered by a hug as I see the distinctive purple hair of Lourdes. "Peeta!" she squeals, pulling me back and allowing me to breathe, "You've grown so much! Awww, you're like a little man! Isn't he, Sal? Isn't he?"

Lounging against a couch, Sal merely looks bored as he ruffles his green hair. I roll my eyes at Lourdes. "I can't have grown that much, can I? It's only been two weeks since I've last seen you."

She wags her finger at me and frowns. "Uh, uh, uh! Two weeks is a lot. You can age a lot in just a few days. I can already see wrinkles forming on your face beneath the surface." She leans uncomfortably close to my face and squints, scrutinizing it. "Hmmm, would you like an injection of Dermacillin to stop the aging?"

To my relief, Portia bustles over holding a garment bag and rescues me. "Lourdes, you'll have plenty time to discuss facial treatments with him later. What's important now is trying on the suit I made him. Here, Peeta," she hands me the suit, "Let me know if this works."

I take the bag and frown. "But I already tried it on yesterday!"

Portia smiles and says, "Yes, but I made a few adjustments to it. Added a little sparkle here and there." I am about to speak when she continues, "Effie told me that you thought it was too plain."

I am going to kill Effie. I cautiously pull the suit out and inspect it. To my relief, it isn't that bad and definitely is not as showy as Katniss's dress. It is still plain black, but now the buttons have been embellished with red gemstones that flicker and constantly change color. Inside, there is an orange dress coat and a red and yellow tie.

"Um, Portia?" I ask tentatively. She looks up and I smile sheepishly. "Do you think maybe I can just stick with the white dress shirt and blue tie?

She looks revolted as she says, "Blue tie and red buttons? Darling, I do hope you're kidding! That would look horrendous! And I'm sure the orange shirt looks fine."

I sigh. On stage, I'll probably be red from the heat of the lights and I'll blend in with my shirt. "Okay, okay. Can I at least get a white shirt?"

She places her hands on her hips and frowns, but I continue glaring at her. Finally, she relents and says "Fine. But the tie stays." I can live with that.

Five minutes later, I am standing at the full length mirror with the suit on. Portia is running around me, making last minute adjustments, shortening the length of the pants. I feel fidgety and sweaty in this suit, but she snaps at me to stop moving. "If you don't watch it, I'm going to accidentally stab your foot or something."

I immediately stop fidgeting for an uncomfortable two minutes. She stands up, a pin in her mouth and surveys me, nodding approvingly. "You clean up quite well," she says before calling Lourdes and Sal in.

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