Chapter 16: A Fact of Life

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The Young's household returns somewhat to normal following the tragic day at the hospital. Nancy learns of the two victims, Detective Ronald Travis and the nurse, Gloria Ames. Two casualties, just as Emma had envisioned. Nancy can't understand how it's possible her daughter could have known. If she hadn't heard the news of their demise for herself, she wouldn't have believed it.

On the bright side, three days have passed and Emma hasn't had a single vision of death. Her disturbing behavior has seemingly altogether ceased.

While Emma's hardships have improved, Nancy and Michael's relationship still suffers. They grow further apart each day. Michael has withdrawn himself from their marriage. He remains there physically but he's become emotionally disconnected, although he does try, at times, to show her affection.

While Michael is off at work Nancy stays at home doing as a dedicated wife does; keeping the house clean, washing and folding the laundry and the toughest job of all, raising a five year old.

While her mother is preparing to make lunch, Emma comes from her room. "Mommy? Have you seen my teddy bears?"

Nancy raises her eyebrows, but doesn't reply. She walks past Emma to the closet she has hidden the bears in. She reaches to the top shelf and pulls them down.

She stretches her arms out, handing the toys to Emma, "Aren't you glad I didn't throw them away?"

Emma nods. She grabs the bears and silently hurries back into her room.

Nancy calls to her, "You're welcome!" She follows her to the room. "What do you want for lunch today?"

Emma remains mute, only shrugging her shoulders. She continues to playfully use her imagination with her reunited bears.

Nancy returns to the kitchen and decides to make her a sandwich; she spreads peanut butter evenly across a slice of bread and the jelly on another. Using a second, sharper knife, she cuts the sandwich into four smaller squares.

"Emma? Lunch time!"

Emma comes running to the table. She sees the familiar food on her plate. "Peanut butter and jelly again?"

"Yep. Maybe next time I ask you what you want for lunch, you will answer me." Nancy returns to the fridge, grabs a fruit cup and sets it on the table next to Emma.

Having finished all of her housewife duties, Nancy relaxes on the sofa and watches television. She flips through the huge selection of channels unable to find anything that interests her. She comes across a news program. The report is sharing the news of the recent murders in the ordinarily quiet town.

"Police have captured the man they believe to be responsible for a recent string of murders. Harrison Kringe is being held without bond until his trial which is scheduled to start later this week."

A mugshot of the man is plastered on the television.

"Kringe is being charged with eight counts of first degree murder."

Pictures of the eight victims are shown; their names displayed below each picture: Lynn Holbrook, Sheila Ducane, Shelley Swayne, Mona Tilner, Robert "Bob" Anderson, Anne Lang, Jessie Strung, and Miles Jackson.

"The police suspect Kringe was working with a partner that is still on the loose. They also believe his alleged partner may have been involved in the murders that took place in the North Point Hospital just three days ago."

Emma leaves her lunch and comes to watch the news. She sees the man's picture and what he's being accused of. "He didn't do it. It was Abby."

Nancy had hopes that all this talk about Abby, the bald girl from her dreams, was over and done with. She sighs a defeated sound. "Go finish your lunch please."

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