Chapter 21: The Devil's Den

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Having been the Chief of Police for many years, Harvey Dunn relied on his detectives to do all the work. Now, without them at his disposal, he must do everything himself. He has forgotten how grueling investigative work can be. Tracking down an unknown suspect can be quite difficult in any instance. However, when the only information you have on them comes from the visions of a young child's nightmares, the difficulty increases significantly. Not to mention, finding a five year old serial killer, if one even exists, might just prove to be impossible.

Harvey has already visited Brandy Page at the hospital, followed by an interesting visit with Nancy Young and her sneaky little girl. He now must continue his investigation by paying a visit to the man that many people believe to be responsible for the recent North Point murders, Harrison Kringe.

Dusk is approaching as Harvey pulls the shiny silver Mercedes up to a large chain linked gate that guards the compound. While he waits for a security guard, Harvey glances at his surroundings. Swinging in the wind, held by rusted chains, he sees a rotted wooden plank with words carved into it. The letters are painted white, but are faded and hard to read: CREEK HILL MENTAL INSTITUTION.

The old building sits atop a mound of earth and rock. Stress cracks are all over the stone foundation. The windows and doors are protected by wrought iron bars; very little light shines from within. It appears abandoned.

A guard walks from the building toward the car. It's too dark to see his face. Harvey wonders if this is his old acquaintance, Hank Keeler.

Hank has worked at the institute for as long as Harvey can recall. Over the years, The North Point Police Department has worked with the Creek Hill employees. Harvey and Hank have come to know each other quite well.

The guard approaches and opens the gate. He shines his flashlight into the car. "State your business."

Harvey squints passed the bright beam of light to see the man's face. Unfortunately, it isn't Hank. "Uh, I'm with the North Point Police. I'm here to speak with one of your prisoners."

The guard, Aaron Jefferies, lowers his light. "Police huh? You have any I.D.?"

Harvey still has his badge, although it is no longer valid. He flips it open and flashes it to the guard.

Aaron persists. "You mind if I take a look?" He reaches for it.

Harvey doesn't want to let him look too closely but he needs to get inside.

Aaron takes the badge and spins away from Harvey. He walks a few paces away and starts talking into his radio. Only moments later he returns. "Sir, I'm sorry but you'll have to come back tomorrow. Visiting hours are over."

Suddenly a raspy voice comes over the guard's radio, "Did you say, Harvey Dunn?"

The guard confirms. "Yes sir."

The voice demands, "Keep him right there. Don't let him leave."

Harvey overhears the conversation and begins to panic; worried they know that he is a wanted man.

Harvey reaches for his badge, but the guard pulls away. "Now hold on just a minute."

"I'll just come back another time."

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to just sit tight for a couple of minutes. My superior is on his way out."

Harvey begins to grow angry. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

From a distance, a gruff voice calls out. "I know exactly who you are." The elder security guard walks to them. Hank Keeler peers in at Harvey.

"Is that you Hank?"

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