Chapter 30: The Cleansing

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Step by step the knife gets closer. The light gleams off of the reflective surface. The sharp pointed tip of the blade aimed at her. She stands watching it come at her, nearly frozen by fear.

Suddenly the knife is flipped, the handle now facing forward. Abby entices her sister. "Go ahead, take it. There's nothing to fear."

Emma reaches her nervous hand out and takes the offering. She examines the blade closely. A few speckles of dried blood are seen. Unaffected by the spatter, she feels comfortable gripping the weapon. "I'm not scared of this. I'm scared to leave my mommy and daddy."

"You shouldn't be. They aren't really your parents."

"What do you mean?"

"You're adopted. Do you know what that means?"

Emma shakes her head. "No."

Abby explains as best she can. "It's when people that aren't really your parents take you home and pretend to be your parents. I was adopted too."

Emma remains mute for a moment, trying to comprehend the explanation. "Where are your adopted parents?"

Abby informs. "I killed them."


"Because I wanted to. But also because I already have a real daddy. He is your daddy too."

Emma has many questions regarding this news. "He is? Is he the man in my dreams? The one that was on the TV? I don't remember his name."

"Harrison. If you come with me, you can meet him. We can be a real family."

"They said he was a bad man."

"They lied. He didn't do anything wrong. I killed those people and he got caught. He got in trouble because of me."

"What about my real mommy? Where is she?"

"Her name was Rebecca. She's dead."

"Oh..." Emma shows no emotion from the news about her true mother. She never knew Rebecca. "... Did you kill her?"

Suddenly, before Abby can answer, the door knob jiggles. It silences them both. "Emma? Why is your door locked?" Michael's voice sounds through the wooden door. "Emma? Open this door right now!"

Only seconds pass and the door is opened. Michael stares down at his daughter with disappointment in his eyes. "Who were you just talking to?"

Emma keeps quiet, unsure whether she should answer honestly or not.

Michael is irritable after being awoken. He has zero patience for the child. "Answer me, Emma! I heard you talking!"

She fearfully stares up to him. "I was talking to Abby."

He huffs with anger. "Emma, you need to stop this. Stop telling stories. There is no Abby. She's not real. Do you understand me?"

"But daddy..."

"No, Emma. No buts. I don't want to hear it."

"But she's here."

"That's enough Emma! Get back in the bed and go to sleep!" Michael shuts her light off and storms out of her room. He returns to his room and climbs into the comfortable bed. He attempts to calm himself.

Emma's eyes begin to fill with tears. She stands in the darkness hugging her teddy bear tightly. Abby exits from her hiding spot in the closet. She approaches her sniveling sibling. "Why are you crying?"

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