Chapter 14: I See You

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The storm is in full force; the wind thrashes the trees, sending leaves and branches flying everywhere. The rain pummels the land, saturating the ground. Thunder rumbles in the air and bright streaks of lightning illuminate the dark cloudy sky.

The medical crew rushes Emma from the back of the ambulance and gets her to safety; away from the treacherous storm.

Once inside the doors of the emergency suite, Jack Cole locates Dr. Ian Stone, "Hey doc. Got one for you; a little girl, five years old. She's got a good sized hematoma on the back of her head."

The doctor approaches Emma, "How are you doing? I hear you bumped your head..."

"I'm okay."

"Can you tell me your name?"


"...and how old are you, Emma?" The doctor already knows the answer, but wants to quiz his patient. When dealing with head trauma, it is important to make sure there isn't any memory loss.

Emma quickly answers, "Five."

"Follow my finger with your eyes." He holds up his index finger and moves it from left to right and then up and down. She does as requested.

She passes his test. "Good job Emma. You just lay back and relax. We'll take good care of you."

Michael runs in, soaking wet, and finds his family. He first checks on Emma. "Hey Em? Are you okay?"

She nods to her father. "I'm okay."

He gently rubs her head then turns to his wife. "Nancy..." He wraps his arms around her. "...your message scared the hell out of me. I got here as soon as I could. What happened?"

Nancy doesn't tell Michael that Jason had pushed her. She needs to verify Emma's claim first. "I don't know. I found her lying unconscious in the elevator at the doctor's office. She bumped her head pretty hard. I think she's fine though."

An intern begins to transfer Emma to a room. The flustered parents follow her. Michael reaches for Nancy's hand, but the moment he grabs it, she stops walking. "Wait. I need to go talk with the paramedic for a minute. Can you go sit with Emma?"

"Sure..." Michael is curious, but doesn't question her.

Nancy promises, "I'll be back in a few."

She returns to the emergency entrance to find Jack and Steve preparing to return to the ambulance.

"Excuse me?" She stops them.

They turn to her. Jack answers. "Yes, Mrs. Young?"

"That detective you said was here, Brandy Page... do you know where I can find her?"

Again, Jack gives Steve a look for his earlier slip-up. "Technically, we shouldn't be sharing other patient's information with you, but what's done is done... I'm not sure where she'd be right now, but my best guess would be to look in the ICU."

"Thank you."

"Sure thing. You take care of that little girl." The two medics proceed through the doors back into the unruly storm.

Nancy has assured Michael that she would be quick, but she soon realizes the Intensive Care Unit is on the far side of the hospital. To travel all the way there and back, will take her far longer than just the few minutes she had promised.

She follows the signs posted on the walls that lead the way. After several long hallways and several turns, she comes to the elevators that lead to the ICU. A short ride to the fourth floor brings Nancy to her destination... almost. She must now walk through a waiting room and down another long hallway before she reaches the entrance to the Intensive Care Unit.

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