Chapter 3: Insensitive Words

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Morning arrives sooner than desired. Nancy fixes breakfast for her husband and Emma, as she always does. Even though she is exhausted and not especially in the mood, Nancy still feels obligated to the chore.

Michael joins his family in the kitchen and quietly fixes his morning cup of coffee. He keeps to himself, and, apart from a mumbled 'Good morning', doesn't speak to Nancy. Michael doesn't even bother to turn on the TV. He just sits quietly sipping his coffee and eats his pancakes.

The lack of sleep and the recent arguments have pushed Michael away from Nancy. At the moment, he feels any amount of lengthy conversation will start an unwanted spat. He hates to argue as much as Nancy does. Unfortunately, both of them are stubborn and set in their own ways. Until one of them apologizes to the other, things will continue down this rocky road.

After the slightly uncomfortable morning greeting, Michael sets off to work at the accounting firm. Nancy sits Emma down on the couch for a talk. As a stay at home mom, Nancy has the undesirable responsibility of handling these kinds of things.

"Emma? Why won't you tell mommy what your dreams are about?" She gently pats Emma's knee, attempting to help her relax.

Emma's face morphs into terror at just the thought of speaking about them. "I can't... I'm scared."

Nancy continues to try and get Emma to open up. "Sweetie, they're just bad dreams... they can't really hurt you."

Emma's tears start to fall once again. She shakes her head in a negative fashion, "No, they're real... they aren't dreams." She buries her face deep into a pillow. Her muffled wail comes through the fabric, "I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

Nancy decides not to pry. She doesn't want to force Emma into doing anything that would upset her further.

As the day progresses Nancy's concerns for Emma's condition won't subside. She needs someone to talk to other than the reflection in the mirror. After putting an animated movie on for Emma, Nancy hurries to her room for privacy; out of hears shot from Emma. She dials the digits on her phone nervously. As the ringing begins, she hopes this is the right decision.

A friendly voice answers, "North Point Hospital, this is Maggie."

Relieved, Nancy lets a breath out, "Oh Maggie, thank God you're working today."

Nurse Maggie Young quickly recognizes her sister-in-laws distressed voice. "Nancy? What is it? What's the matter?"

Nancy whispers slightly to keep Emma from over hearing her side of the conversation. "It's Emma. She's really got me worried about her, and I don't know what to do."

"My God Nancy, what's happened? What's wrong with Emma?" Maggie's voice is now laced with concern as well.

"It's...she's having these...damned nightmares. The past few nights have been horrible."

Maggie is relieved it's nothing too serious. "Nightmares? What kind of nightmares?"

"I don't know, she won't tell me anything about them. She just wakes up screaming in terror, saying some bald girl is going to come get her..." As she is speaking, Nancy realizes how ridiculous she probably sounds. Maggie is a nurse that deals with sickness and disease, not a sleep therapist. "...I'm so sorry Maggie. I shouldn't have bothered you with this while you are at work. I just didn't know who else to call. I'll let you go."

Maggie wants to help any way she can, it's in her nature. Her oath to medicine extends far beyond that of a typical doctor. She longs to help people in general, especially family in need. "No, wait Nancy. I know a guy. We went the university together. He was studying to be a Neurologist, specializing in sleep studies...last I heard, he had a successful business right here in North Point...hang on, I'll get his number."

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