Chapter 4: Rejected Offerings

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Maybe Nancy would have considered differently what Emma had just said, if Michael had bothered to turn the television on that morning. But since he didn't, she couldn't know that the North Point Police, starring in the morning news for the second day in a row, had issued the report of a missing woman; Sheila Ducane, age 27, last seen leaving O'Malley's Tavern with a man, two nights ago. They also stated that her car was found abandoned, just a few blocks from the bar.

As things are, Nancy is just mortified by her daughter's insensitive words and the hurt it could have caused that Jason person, had he heard them. And how could a five year old talk about death in such a cold way, anyway?

Michael arrives a few moments later, "Sorry I'm late, I got here as fast as I could." He notices Nancy's make-up is smeared. She appears to have been crying. "Honey, what's wrong?"

Nancy sighs, "I'm just...overwhelmed. I'm worried about Emma...worried about us."

Michael sits next to her and puts his arm around her shoulder, "Emma's gonna be okay...everything will be okay." Despite their recent arguments, Michael attempts to portray the loving husband he has vowed to be. He kisses her on the side of the head. Michael then notices his daughter isn't around, "Where is Emma anyways?"

"She's in the playroom, down the hall. The doctor said he wants to speak with us alone."


The office of Dr. Naseem Nazari is modest in size, yet distinguished in appearance. Oak wood bookcases are filled with medical books of all kinds. Most of the books specialize in the study of sleep. A matching oak desk and leather chair rest in the center of the room atop a lavish Persian rug. To the front of the desk are two smaller, yet equally elegant accent chairs. Currently occupying the chairs are Michael and Nancy.

They sit, waiting patiently for the doctor to acknowledge them. He seems to be more concerned with the note pad he is reading, than with his uneasy clients. As he takes his time studying the hardly legible scribble, Michael sighs loudly and looks to his wife. She shrugs, not knowing whether she should speak up and break the silence that surrounds them, or continue waiting quietly, patiently.

Finally, Dr. Nazari sets his note pad down and leans forward in his chair, "Mr. and Mrs. Young, from what you've described...there's nothing wrong with your daughter. She's...quite simply, experiencing nightmares...just, bad dreams."

Nancy feels insulted of her intelligence. "Just bad dreams? I'm sorry doctor, but she wakes up screaming for her life, scared to death. They're not, just bad dreams. Emma has had nightmares before, and she'd wake up crying, but nothing like these last few days."

Dr. Nazari leans back in his chair, exhaling loudly, acknowledging this ordeal to be a lengthy one. He puffs out his cheeks as he releases the air. "Tell me again, when did the dreams start?"

Michael answers, "Two days ago, during her nap."

Nancy looks at her husband, a bit disappointed by his answer. "In fact, Emma has had nightmares for a very long time, but the last few months, they've seemed to increase in number and intensity. I know all kids have nightmares now and then, but, she's our only child so it's hard for me to determine if it was normal or if I was overreacting. Michael seemed to think I was, anyway. Then, two days ago, she had one that scared the Hell out of us."

Michael can hardly hide his annoyance at being openly tagged as the unsupportive, uncaring man by his wife.

Because he doesn't want to give grounds to her recriminations by making a scene, he grudgingly acknowledges, "About forty minutes after she fell asleep, she woke up screaming."

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