Chapter 28: Bless All Who Enter

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The night steadily creeps along, darkness penetrates the entire sky and a thin layer of fog hovers over the road. The moon peeks from behind the slow moving clouds for only a moment, and just as quickly retreats from sight. The lack of light, natural and man-made, creates an eerie atmosphere, one which could send a chill down the spine of any formidable man.

Harvey drives cautiously along the pavement, keeping his focus on the road ahead of him, all the while he remains completely aware of his young passenger's every move. Although she has promised immunity from death, he refuses to let his guard down. Using his peripheral vision he anticipates an attack.

Driving, as a singular task, is proven to be a simple chore, however, under the current conditions, Harvey and his multitasking abilities are struggling to concentrate. Thoughts of this dangerous child riding next to him, the lies he has told and must continue to tell in order to survive, the plan to abduct a little girl; all of these things are a constant distraction from the road in front of him.

Abby breaks the silence. "It's too quiet."

Harvey acknowledges her. "I'm thinking."

"About what?"

He huffs. "About how we are going to get Emma; about how to handle her parents."

"Without killing them it will be difficult."

"I know but, there has to be another way."

As they get closer to their destination, Harvey realizes just how unprepared for this mission he really is. "You know, maybe we should wait. We can come up with a better plan."

"No. It needs to be now."

"Abby, I... we aren't prepared. There are just too many things that could go wrong."

She stares purposefully at him. "What are you scared of?"

"I'm not scared, Abby. I just don't like getting into situations where I don't have complete control."

"That sounds like fear to me."

"Well it's not!" Harvey defensively retorts.

A long silence follows their banter, before Harvey again speaks, more calmly now. "Listen, Abby, I'm sorry I lost my cool. This is a stressful situation. I am dealing with it the best way I know how. Now, if we can just keep quiet for a little bit, I need to think of a plan."

"Okay." She agrees.


As her eyes become heavy, Nancy realizes the caffeine has left her system. She pulls in a deep yawn, fighting her body's desire for rest. As badly as she wants to remain awake, her exhaustion will not be denied.

Soon, she has to admit defeat. Her mind is overly tired from all of the worry she has put herself through. Nancy sets the house alarm and sluggishly saunters to Emma's room. Peeking in, she sees her once guiltless child soundly sleeping, as if nothing distressing was troubling her. Briefly, Nancy stares at her young one with conflicting emotions. Her heart is still very much full of love for the child, and yet, a growing fear has clogged the valves to it. She prays Emma will sleep through the night, without further incident.

She enters her own room and sees Michael still sleeping like a rock. As another precaution, Nancy decides to shut and lock the bedroom door in order to prevent Emma from entering, should she awake and have any ill intent toward her parents.

Nancy slips into a silk nightgown and crawls into the warm bed. The room seems to echo the sounds of Michael's breathing to the point that Nancy can't foresee ever falling asleep. She grabs the remote from his chest and turns the television on so she has something other than him to listen to.

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