Chapter 6: Drowning the Sorrows

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Michael checks his phone to see what time it is, but he isn't concern with being late. He purposely wants to make Nancy worry about his whereabouts. Michael is wondering why she hasn't called yet. His plan doesn't seem to be working exactly the way he had hoped.

"Hey, Tim? Can I get another?" Michael calls for the bartender to fetch him more alcohol.

Michael decided that after the last couple of days he's had, he deserved a drink, or ten. Every day, on his regular route home, he passes through the town filled with shops. He has seen the large neon sign glowing brightly at least a thousand times, yet he had never found the time or the opportunity to visit O'Malley's Tavern.

The busy bartender quickly complies, "Sure thing..." As the bartender, Tim Butcher, hands Michael his second drink, he wonders, "...You from around here?"

Michael grabs his drink and takes a quick gulp. "Yeah. Lived here for most of my life."

"Really? I've never seen you here before."

Michael smiles, "Yeah well, I don't drink much..." He holds up his mug. "This is only my second beer in ten years."

Tim looks shocked. "Wow. Fell off the wagon huh? You must have had a rough day." He smiles.

"Yeah...something like that, and I don't see it getting any better, anytime soon, so keep 'em comin."

Tim nods as he indicates Michael's beer. "Hey, when you finish that one, the next ones on me." Tim turns to help another customer.

Michael nods back, raising his glass, "Thanks."

A female voice comes from Michaels left. "I'll bet you that next beer... my last couple of days were a Hell of a lot worse than yours."

Michael was so deep in his self-pity and concern for his marriage that he didn't even notice the sexy cougar sitting next to him. He looks to see an older, sophisticated woman. She looks to be in her mid-fifties with a few gray streaks running though her once black hair. Michael is surprised at her appearance. She doesn't look like the type that would typically visit a bar. She's wearing a gray suit jacket and skirt. Her hair is pulled tightly into a bun and her thin framed glasses rest on the tip of her nose. Michael smiles at her, "I'll take that bet."

It isn't that Michael thinks his last few days have been so terrible that he will definitely win the bet, but it's the chance to strike up a conversation with a rather attractive and significantly older woman. He's always been a flirt, but never a cheater. Michael's vows to marriage mean everything to him, even in his current situation; while the future of his marriage is in question.

The seductive woman holds out her hand. "I'm Kelly." The strong scent of bourbon passes through her lips.

He gently shakes her hand. "Nice to meet you Kelly, I'm Michael"

"So what's your story, Michael?" The desirable woman smiles flirtatiously.

Michael shakes his head, smiling back playfully, "Nope. Ladies first."

The seductress sarcastically compliments Michael, "You're such a gentleman." She rolls her eyes in the process. "Buy me a drink, and then I'll go first."

Michael's no fool. "If I buy you one now, then no matter who wins the bet, you'd still end up with a free drink."

Kelly laughs, "That's the whole point of this little game, silly. Be a peach and buy a thirsty woman her drink. "

Michael thinks for a moment. He loves to tease, and be teased. He counter offers, "Oh, what the Hell. Tell you what...I'll go first, and I'll still buy you a drink."

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