Chapter 12: Going Down

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Picking up the phone, Nancy hesitates before dialing. She has second thoughts on calling the doctor. This situation is proving to be more stressful than any of the previous incidents. This is the first time Emma has suffered from a day dream and the fact that she physically attacked her father, deeply concerns Nancy.

Nancy bites her knuckle as she holds the phone. She hasn't rehearsed her speech and needs to be sure she doesn't come off sounding like a complete lunatic. She releases a deep sigh and finally dials the office of Dr. Nazari. Nancy waits impatiently as her call is transferred.

Naseem answers, "Mrs. Young? How are you?"

Her voice is shaken. "Not good. Emma had another dream, but this time it was different."

"How so?"

"Well, it was a day dream. Then, she attacked her father."

The doctor's response is delicate. "I see. Is this the first time she's acted out from one of her dreams?"

"Yes...well, no. She's been acting very strange lately; there was the writing on her wall and then cutting her finger, and afterward, she doesn't seem to have any recollection of her actions, but today was the first time she has become violent."

The doctor humpfs, "I'd like to see her again; today if you are available."

Nancy is anxious, "I can be there in half an hour."

"I have a few appointments ahead of you. How about after lunch? Say two o'clock? I should have some time to fit you in."

"Okay. We'll be there at two."

Nancy ends the call and goes to find Michael. As she passes Emma's room she peeks in on her.

Emma is on her bed, flat on her back. Her eyes are opened and she stares intensely at the ceiling. Nancy hurries by and doesn't disturb her.

She locates Michael outside by the fence. "How's it going?"

He curses, "This damn thing is crooked." He puts pressure on the 4 X 4 gate post, trying to force it back straight. "I can't get the latch to line up with the lock."

Nancy can see he is becoming frustrated. "I'm going to take Emma to the doctor's in a bit. Do you think you can come with us?"

Michael looks into the cloudy sky. "Probably not. The storm is coming and I need to get this finished before the rain starts."

Nancy frowns, but lovingly swipes her fingers through his hair. 

Suddenly their prying, elderly neighbor, Sandra Pickett interrupts them from across the yard. "Hey Nancy, hey Michael. Looks like rain." She indicates the obvious dark clouds looming overhead.

Michael doesn't respond which leaves Nancy feeling obligated to greet her, "Hi Mrs. Pickett, how are you?"

"Doing well my dear." Sandra replies with a smile, followed by an uncomfortable, silent stare.

Not sure what else to say, Nancy decides to remove herself from the equation. She rubs Michaels shoulder. "Okay honey, I'm going back inside."

Michael gives her a look, as to say, 'Don't leave me alone with her.'

Sandra seems to catch the drift, "Well, I'd better go water the flowers just in case it decides not to rain."

Nancy stops and turns. "Mrs. Pickett, I don't think you need to worry, the weatherman said there was a 100% chance of rain. It is supposed to be a severe thunderstorm."

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