Chapter 8: Til Death

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The Young family proceeds back to the third floor of the Medical building, for their second meeting with the doctor, in as many days. They reach the reception desk and just as they are signing in, the doctor himself greets them.

Dr. Nazari exits his office and approaches, "Mr. and Mrs. Young, so good to see you again." He appears to have no hard feelings toward Michael, after his abrupt exit the day before.

Each parent shakes the doctor's hand. Emma hides behind her mother's leg, crinkling her map in a tight grip. She remembers this man for being the one that made her relive her nightmare.

The doctor tries to say hi, "Hello Emma, how are you?" He smiles.

Emma remains quiet at first, but soon returns the greeting, "Hi."

Dr. Nazari tries to help her relax. "How would you like to go and play in the playroom for a while?"

The offer to avoid the doctors couch is appealing to the five year old. Emma nods. "Okay."

Michael and Nancy soon find themselves in the same seating arrangement as the previous day. Only this time, the doctor isn't ignoring them. He places his note pad in the top drawer of his desk and focuses his full attention to the Young's.

The doctor starts, "First of all, I want to thank you for calling me today. I've been contemplating calling you most of the day. I wanted to ask you back so we could discuss yesterday's session." He speaks mostly toward Nancy, as she was the one present for the hypnosis. "As you were aware, I recorded yesterday's session, and after you left I listened to it again...quite a few times actually." The doctor pulls a miniature tape recorder from his desk. "I'd like for you both to listen to it, right now."

Michael nods, fully prepared to cooperate. Nancy reaches for his hand and speaks for them both, "Okay."

The doctor presses play and they all listen to the gory, gruesome details that Emma recalled; Her innocent little voice, speaking of the horrors that haunt her at night. This is Michael's first time hearing of the dreams content. He knew the dreams would be scary for a five year old, but hearing what Emma was saying, filled his own being with fear.

As the session plays on, Nancy's grip on Michael's hand tightens. It was hard enough for her to hear these morbid details the first time. Now, the second time around, the horrifying words cut even deeper into Nancy's soul. She squeezes her eye closed and listens as her little girl cries for it to all be over.

The tape player is stopped and the doctor returns it to his desk. He sits quietly and waits for the parents to say something.

Michael is first to speak, "I...I'm not even sure what to say...I knew the nightmares were bad, but, I had no idea they were anything like this."

"Mr. Young, I played this recording, mainly for your benefit. You needed to be brought up to speed, so that we are all on the same page. I have done hundreds of hypnosis sessions and I have to say, your daughter's was probably the single most...disturbing, yet intriguing, and most detailed recollection I've ever heard. I think we need to revisit her past, starting from her birth."

Michael looks to Nancy and leans into her. He whispers something softly into her ear. The doctor can't hear what he is saying, but he is trying to eavesdrop.

Nancy speaks a bit louder, but still whispers back to her husband, "No. I didn't mention it."

Michael looks to Dr. Nazari, "Doc. I don't know if will make any difference in your diagnosis, but, we aren't Emma's biological parents...we adopted her."

The doctor repeats, surprised, "Adopted?"

"Yes." Nancy explains, "She was just an infant when we adopted her."

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