Yay! Happy new year, lads! Another year has passed and I believe God gave us a blast back in 2015. And I know, there are still more to come.
Do you, guys, already have a Word for this year? Any hint as to what God will probably do or wants you to do? Aww, I know the feeling. Some are already excited because God gave them a promise that their longtime prayers will be answered this year; some are still wandering and waiting for His directions; and some of us already have an idea as to what will happen but they don't know what to feel. Mixed emotions, yes? That means you're normal. Lol.
Why am I asking this question, anyways? Well, just imagine yourself in an unfamiliar territory without a map nor a compass. You don't have any idea why you were even there in the first place. You got nothing but yourself and the clothes you're wearing. What will you normally do?
Person #1 might camp out at the roadside and wait for someone to pass by, afraid to take risk. Person #2 will probably walk the dirty road hoping to at least see signs of life and ask questions if he sees another man. And the worst, Person #3 will go hysterics, lose his mind, give up and eventually, end his life.
What? I'm just saying what's true and what's really happening. You might be wondering how this story went down to this issue. I dunno too. I just go with the flow. If ya know what I mean.
So, goin back, don't you think it would've been better for those people if only they knew why, how and where they were? It's the same thing with knowing what's in store for you every start of the year. I'm not saying you should know exactly what will happen but thru His Word and wisdom, you will have something to look forward to. You will be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared because you're holding unto what He promised. And to reiterate, He is a faithful God who never breaks His promises.
Me, personally, I'm afraid and excited at the same time. Before 2015 ended, I attended a youth camp and was prayed for by one of the leaders. It was an altar call. Jeez, I love altar calls. Oh, sorry. So yeah, things were laid out before me and was advised to be prepared. There are desires emerging that I'm not yet sure if it's from God or it's actually an inner desire that I just don't want to acknowledge. I'm praying that it's not from God and just a silly yearning. Hahahaha. I don't want it to happen. I don't want to go to Bible school. Never crossed my mind until the end of December. Please, don't get me wrong. I want to dig deeper and study His Word but I'm afraid to go because of the sacrifices that I have to make. But what do they say? If it is His will, then let it be done. So, I'm praying and your prayers will be much appreciated.
Now, what do you think are in store for you this year? You can PM me or share it here.
God bless!