God gave us "FREE will". We always have the FREEdom to choose and make our own decision in our respective lives. We can choose not to attend sunday services, choose not to be good, choose not to follow Jesus, choose to deny His existence and sovereignty, choose not to be in this and that religion, choose to be hypocrite and an unbeliever, or we can choose to stay and be faithful to God.
Most people will probably say, "I have to do this." And someone might spat back. "No you don't have to" Then we start enumerating the consequences that, we think, will possibly happen if we choose not to. But doesn't that make this "freedom" thing invalid?
God created us out of love and because He wants to share it with us. If it was His plan, in the first place, to create minions who will submit right away to whatever He says, He could've done so. And there won't be Adam and Eve with sins. No love nor pain. No right no wrong. Nothing to save us from. No Jesus. (<---confusing? You can PM me for clarifications. ^^)
He's giving us the right to choose not to be with Him even if it will hurt Him in the process. His love and the relationship He wants to build with us is something He will never shove down our throats.
God wants us to be with Him not because "we HAVE/NEED to or else we go to hell" but rather, God wants us to ENJOY His presence. He wants us to yearn for Him. He wants us to follow Him because "we WANT to and we desire to be with him for eternity". Out of our own will.
You can see from there how God LOVES us so much, unconditionally. To the point that we tell ourselves, "we're not worthy anymore"
Just close your eyes for one sec and ponder on that thought. Isn't that amazing?