The Vixen Taps Back With Her Paw

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Months later...


Year of 854, 25th of July. Time: 22:34.

    They plan to test my 3DMG skills soon, Captain Levi said. For some reason, he has been showing me a slight kindness when we are alone but terribly harsh towards Jaegar when around everyone else.  I wonder what the captain is thinking when he keeps that stoic, yet silent expression about him. He drinks his tea and makes us train to the that all he does or is there more to him than meets the eye?


     Izumi puts the journal under her pillow and falls asleep. Levi sighs and looks down.

[Izumi pov]

      Early the next day, I felt myself being shaken awake. "Oi, brat. Get up, it's time to eat." a voice says as I opened my eyes. The sunlight beams in my eyes, causing me to groan...but when I opened them again, I saw Captain Levi standing over my bed with the usual stoic expression. "Oi, are you going to get up or not; Cadet?" he adds, huffing in irritation. I groan and sit up. "Alright, alright! I'm getting up..."

     When I exit my room, he grabs my wrist. I look to him and then he quickly drags me into the mess hall. Once we got there, he released my wrist and I huffed, grabbing my breakfast. I sat in my usual table in the corner near the window and ate.

      Jean sat next to me and I sighed. "What do you need, Horse-Face?" I said and he growled. "Well, Kitty Whiskers;" he began. "You looked like you needed something so I'm here." Ugh, why won't the cadets stop calling me "Kitty Whiskers"?! I mean, I know the marks on my cheeks represent whiskers, but....ugh, i can't even explain it. "Shut up, Kirschtein. You know I hate being bothered, so buzz off before something bad happens. Go back to your stable for all I care." I retorted.

     I was about to take another bite of the food I was given when I felt a fist smash into my jaw. A crack echoed in my ears and I felt my head plop onto the table...I felt dizzy then everything blurred, turning to black.


[levi pov]

    I saw him smack Cadet Schmidt so hard I heard a small crack and now she's just laying there, out cold.  I felt something inside me snap. I walked over to him and grab him by the collar...he gulped and said with a panicked expression: "I'm sorry, sir!". I assigned him to stable duty for the next few weeks. He runs out and gets to it.

   I then return to the mess hall, only to see everyone had left. Izumi is still laying there. I walked up to her and brought her out of her seat. I then laid her down and checked to see if she was still alive.......I swear, my heart must has stopped for a second when I felt her pulse still going. I sighed in relief and picked her up, walking her to my was the closest room, so don't judge my decision.



    I opened my eyes slightly and saw Levi. Actually, I couldn't see much of anything else before my vision faded to black. When I woke up, I saw myself in raven blue blankets. It was very warm and smelled of faint traces of lemon and tea.  But I suddenly hear snoring...I looked behind me..and Levi was laying by my side sweetly sleeping. He still had his uniform on, to my relief. He feels so warm and looks so cute when he's sleeping...I blush as he jars awake. I suddenly rush out before he notices me. I sigh and grab for my's not there?! OH SHOOT! It fell out!



"Huh? A handkerchief was left here...whose is it..." he said. "Oh, the name's embroidered. That brat decided to leave but left her handkerchief...I better get it back to her before she wakes up...."

Levi puts the handkerchief in his pocket.

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