This Moment Makes Time Stand Still

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Happy autumn everybody! Here's the new chapter of the story.

Oh, and hey. Thanks ::::)


Chapter 13: This Moment Makes Time Stand Still

          A soft late summer breeze flushes through the halls of the Survey Corps headquarters, cooling the sweaty soldiers waiting in line for their mid-day meal. At this time, Captain Levi is waiting for his fellow comrade to sit down with him.

      The sound of plates and glasses tinkling against the grained wood resounds through the hall...and also right next to his table-setting.  The smell of lemon cleaner is apparent in his general premise and he looks back to see JUST the soldier he was waiting for.

    Captain Izumi Schmidt smiles as she nuzzles against the cheek of her lovely Levi, finally back up on two feet again after the incident that would have rendered her immobile if it hadn't been for Hanji's clever knowledge of human anatomy.

  He gives a soft smirk and ruffles her tuft of auburn-red hair, offering her a seat next to his to talk a little bit. She takes soft bites of that day's main course and listens intently to him. She nods and shares her viewpoint tactfully with a soft smile; spending quality time with the other Captain.


Izumi's Diary: 7th of September, Year 857. Time is 3:25. 

      Things are coming and going so fast...the next expedition is coming up, but he wants me and my cadets to go on a scouting mission for a supposed base in the Forest of Tall Trees. Only my squad can go as the result of negotiations. I'm very nervous about this new mission, but I gotta suck it up and be, well, a big girl instead of a crybaby. 

   What if Titans eat my crew...Cadet Dana nearly lost her arm in the last expedition and I nearly lost my right ankle...snap out of it, Izumi! You can do this!

Just ignore the fright and keep going on without regrets....that's what Levi always tells me.


[sorry this is so short. Writer's block. enjoy your day!]

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