One Mistake Makes No Difference

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Izumi's Diary: 27th of March, Year of 857. Time is 22:39.

    I remembered all of a sudden when I saw him; a memory from when I was a small child. My mother's eyes were staring at me, dark and teal as sea-water. It drowned my consciousness as a child because it scared me the most. Her eyes turned red...and I was whipped, as she shouted for me to obey orders when I was...and only because I didn't get EVERY speck. I tried my hardest, but was that not enough to her standards? Then I suddenly saw her getting eaten by that creepy titan while that smiling one ate the mother of a kid now known as Jaegar. Poor lady...she was pretty kind when she came to visit.  

   Why do I remember all this now? I couldn't remember everything until today.....


    Levi walks in and Izumi closes her journal. The short captain takes a seat next to the recovering cadet and smiles softly, since none of the other cadets are around. "Hello Levi," she said. "How is your evening?" Levi replies, with a softer smile, "I'm fine...It's pretty late. You feeling alright enough to leave the infirmary?"



    "...You feeling alright enough to leave the infirmary?" I asked Izumi as she sat up. She looks up and smiles before jolting back, gasping in pain as she grabbed the left side of her head. 

   I suddenly laid her back down and looked at that spread through the back left side of her head....her pain seeming to come from that area. Several seconds later, the pain she was feeling was fading and the redness fades as well. The redness and pain concerned me a little, but she suddenly told me everything is alright. 

   Hanji still came in however, just to check her out. It happened again and to Hanji it looked frightening...Izumi reassured me but Hanji asked her to describe that feeling. The description I heard from Izumi sounded like a horror story. I can't even think about it without shivering out of disgust. 

   That feeling Izumi has happens only spontaneously on occasion at random times....and Izumi calls that feeling of pain "neural sparks"....I still don't get the concept behind it. Izumi says she's had these..."sparks" since she was 13... a half-year in Trost with Flora, plus 3 and a half years of training camp (plus the 2 years she's been here with me in the Survey Corps) and that happens randomly?! How did Shadis handle this girl when they happened? I better ask him....anyways.


  Izumi wakes up and I walk in, carrying something wrapped up. I hand her the bread I brought from the mess hall and she eats it quite quickly...that's Izumi for you. She's just like Braus and it's disturbing.


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