Mornings (part 2)

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(Next day.....)

    When I finally was able to get him up, I dragged him out of bed, titan-print pajamas and all, out to the mess hall. As I carried him inside, he yelped and gripped the door frame very hard as if he were slipping off the edge of Wall Rose.  I JUST cleaned that...



Levi squirms around in her arm like a limp noodle as he grips the frame to the mess hall doorway. Izumi looks to him, getting irritated. Some of the cadets chuckle behind him.

Izumi: "Come on. You can show pride in front of me; yet when in front of the others, you're a sissy?"

Levi: "It's like running outside with a swimsuit on in the snow! A BAD IDEA!"

She begins to get upset and her eyes turn a fierce red.

Izumi: "Let go of the damn door frame."

Levi: "No."

Izumi: "LET IT GO, LEVI. NOW!!"

He gulps and lets the door frame go. She plops him down and walks out, slamming the door behind her. The cadets snicker as they see him scramble to the door shouting "H-HEY! W-WAIT UP!" Erwin lets out a low chuckle that silences everyone. Levi looks up, his cheeks a little red. "Shut up Commander Eyebrows."

After breakfast, she is scrubbing the door frame down because of him gripping it. She is obviously pissed by what Erwin and Levi could see from the expression upon her face. He walks up and hugs her...she squirms, but then he speaks to his miffed cadet. "Look, I'm sorry. Can't ya forgive me...?" She looks back, her eyes red....but she sighs and they return to their normal teal as she hugs him.

" Damn make it hard to stay mad, Levi. But seriously, be sensitive to my hard work scrubbing that door frame to spotless perfection, you little shorty. I work hard to make the damn thing shine."



I went to go train with him after I finished my cleaning. When I got there, he was waiting patiently with the other cadets that were in the mess hall that morning. We all went one-on-one in battles...including yours truly and Captain Shorty.

He and I prepared to fight, me holding the wood knife (it being wood as not to hurt him).





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