Mornings (part 1)

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Izumi's Diary: Year 856, 23rd of March. Time is 4:37.

      It has now been a little bit over a year since Levi and I had gone into the relationship we have. Oh, how the time has passed since that first kiss. I have just woken up from some strange dream...he was standing there, but he had wings sprouting from his back...their coloration just like the Wings of Freedom...same orientation too. He looked to me and it all went white as he reached out for me. I have never had a dream of that sort in a long time. Well, I think I better start cleaning me something to do to pass the time until breakfast.



    I got up and began my work. I scrubbed the floors and wiped down the walls; sweeping dust and grime away. Due to my busy work schedule (and partially due to bouts of sudden insomnia), the decision to clean early in the morning was logical so I have enough time to wake up before food's ready. Lately, me and Sasha have been sparking up quite the rivalry over the food supply...Erwin and Levi are both aware of this. I reminisced about what happened the last time Sasha and I brawled over bread. Levi tried to separate the two of us...let's just say he had to lay low for a week or two with a sprained wrist and bruises because of how intense the fight got between me and Potato Girl. I feel bad because of that still...he was in a bit of pain, to say the lightest.

  About an hour passes and I finished my cleaning. I decided to enter Levi's room, and he is still softly sleeping. He's all snuggled under the bed sheets... can't blame the guy for getting a bit chilly. 'Well, it's time to wake Captain Shorty up.' I thought as I approached him. I nuzzled his cheek and gave the mewling sound I usually do to get his attention. "Good morning, Captain Handsome~ wake up~" I said in a sweet voice. He stirred but he didn't wake up. "Oi, Levi. Wake up." He still slept. "Well fine...I'll just snatch your cravat. Will that wake you up?" I grabbed the cravat and ran as he finally stirs awake. He must have noticed me take it because I heard him scream; "IZUMI!!!!!!!!!!!"

(A/N: Ref to my favorite story "Stealing Heichou's Cravat" by @squadleader_lianna  :D)

   I stopped and entered my dorm quickly, sitting behind the closed door . Bangs are heard on the door. "IZUMI, GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN CRAVAT!" Oh boy, Captain Shorty's pissed. I looked at the cravat in my hands and chuckle. "OPEN. THE. DAMN. DOOR." Levi fumed. "I will break this door down, you know that right? ...Right?" I listened to what he's saying. "Come on, Izu....please give it back....and can ya open the door? It's cold..." he whined. Ugh, damn him and his cute begging voice. I gave in and opened the door. I gave him back the cravat and hug him, apologizing. 

 I chuckled at what I saw. "Seriously, Levi? Titan-print pajamas?" "Oh shut up,  my night shirt is filthy...." he fumed. "I didn't say they didn't look cute on you, Levi dear~" I pecked his nose and he blushed brightly.

"Hanji's idea?" I said. He replied with a mono-toned "yep, it was shitty-glasses' fault." We both ended up chuckling and cuddling because it was our Spring Break.

[To Be Continued...]

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