Chapter Eight

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**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**

My bones ached as I dragged the blanket behind me and threw it on the bed. Yawning for the billionth time I placed the last of the pillows on the bed, before turning with my hands on my hips. There was one blanket and pillow that I did not want to touch.

Just outside the bathroom door lay the soft objects I had found after waking up. They smelt heavily of him. I was confused by why he had slept next to the door instead of the bed, and then figured it had to do with the whole "mate" thing he kept screaming.

After waking up from an almost sleepless night I had hidden in the bathroom until I was sure Carson had left, only to find his makeshift bed with surprise. I then rushed to try the door and find that, unfortunately, it still was locked.

I am not proud by the way I cursed and screamed and hit and kicked the door. It definitely wasn't my proudest moment.

For the second time that morning I walked to the windows, staring out longingly. The large drop taunted me and I turned away. If I want to escape I have to go through this bedroom door first.

Letting out a deep breath I plopped on the bed and studied the boring white ceiling. I amused myself with the shapes the white swirls made until one resembled a howling wolf and I quit the game.

It had a been an hour that I had been awake. Hell, I was so bored I made the bed! At my house in my room I almost never made my bed, unless Mom told me to. I sighed, wishing for my own bed even though this one was extremely comfy.

What was my family doing right now? Were they missing me as much as I missed them? And what about my friends? I glanced at the clock on the side table. 9:17am. They were in school. I bit my lip. Shit, school. Today was the last day for seniors and I was missing it. I'm going to miss graduation.

On the blasted door I heard two quick knocks and I sat up as Emily entered with a big smile. "Hey Charlotte!" She greeted, closing the door behind her and laying the food tray on the bed. I nodded and took in her appearance. Her blond hair was thrown into a high ponytail that swished as she moved and she wore a neon pink tank top, black and white gym shorts, and black Nikes. Emily noticed my stare and explained: "I just had training."

Visions of wolves brutally attacking with crazed eyes and jaws dripping of blood down matted fur clouded my mind as well as an unsettling image of Jay twisting a girl's neck with a maniac grin. I backed away from Emily, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

She seemed to realize what I was thinking as she quickly added. "You know, like sprints, weights, crunches, yoga, bars, that kind of stuff." At my relieved expression she quickly added. "My favorite's kickboxing."

"That's cool." I said half-heartedly while cutting though my French toast. I plopped it in my mouth and my eyes widened at the amazing taste. "Holy crap! That's good! Who made this?"

I quickly cut another piece and chewed it slowly, savoring the sweetness.

Emily gave me an amused look and was about to answer when the door opened revealing Carson. 

"Good morning, Charlotte." He nodded to the other girl, not looking away from me. "Emily, nice training today."

Emily beamed and said a thank you while I scowled at the future alpha and dug back into my French toast. This food was utter heaven. 

The wolf girl nudged me frowning, her eyes screaming for me to answer Carson. "Answer him, he's the alpha." She murmured, even though we both knew he could hear her clearly.

I frowned, why should that matter to me? I'm human, not a weird mutant with strange loyalties. I didn't want to face him since the occurrence yesterday. My cheeks turned pink at the memory. How could I embarrass myself and my pride so much by showing my kidnapper me at my weakest point? Why did I have to have such a major panic attack like that?

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