Chapter Thirteen

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**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**

The gorgeous magazine worthy dining room was buzzing with polite conversation, delicate sips of red wine, and tiny clatters of (fake) silver forks on flawless white china. It was a dinner scene fit for the rich...

And then there's me, sawing ruthlessly through my chicken with a scowl that could curdle milk. My stupid plastic butter knife was doing near to nothing on this chicken and it was amplifying my anger even more. Yes, I said plastic butter knife. Apparently I can't be trusted with a real knife anymore.

If only Carson was as stupid as I thought.

His annoyingly, piercing eyes were on my angrily flushed face and I grumbled most unladylike under my breath. Didn't he know it was rude to stare? What a jerk. Blowing my black hair out of my face I continued to dissect my food. God was I hungry!

Just as I was about to regret my actions in nearly stabbing Carson earlier, there was the heavenly sound of plastic scratching china. Yes! With a huff I chewed the chicken and leaned back in the chair. But, I shouldn't have looked up for there he was, still staring, and sipping his water in a gold rimmed water glass. I narrowed my eyes in distaste, but he remained impassive. It irritated me to no end.

"That was entertaining." Emily giggled beside me. "Just like animal planet."

Hardly. I rolled my eyes at her and determinedly began on my next piece. Luckily Carson was turned away from my struggle when Zach nudged him and engaged in conversation with the Beta's, his father, Logan, and Mr. Jakes. My hand still itched to slap the future Alpha, especially with those words swimming in my ears.

"'You don't respect me, I don't have to respect you!'"

Well screw him. Don't even know why those words hurt, he's just a stupid werewolf. My hand had begun to clench the flimsy white knife so hard it was bending, and I feared it would snap. Forcing a deep breath I loosened my hold, but it didn't subside my anger.

"You alright Charlotte?"

I turned from my food and dropped the knife on my plate. "Of course. I'm fine, just fine." She knew I wasn't fine, just like Stacy always did. But Bethany resumed her conversation with the three werewolves around her anyway.

With no one taking much interest in me, even curious Gemma playing with her Barbies, I was left to my meal. I couldn't help glancing at Carson. There was some serious Beauty and the Beast shit going on here. I mean dinner with the enemy, how original. He felt my glare and returned with one of his own before Jay said something to him and his attention was diverted.

Out of sheer boredom and curiosity I tuned into the men's conversation.

"...then, I had to tell him, poor guy, that it was the bathroom!" Logan said chuckling. His grinning audience broke into light laughter, sipping at their drinks. Chortling, the third command said something I couldn't hear, causing a second round of laughter.

With a strained smile the Beta placed his half full glass on the table. "So, how goes work anyway, Mr. Johnson?"

Logan's chuckling died down as he said. "Please Beta, call me Logan. And work has been going well. We earned another client the other day. Rather rich fellow."

"That's great." The Alpha stated with a third sip to his wine. "Think you're going to continue working full time?"

"Hm, maybe." Logan glanced at his daughter who was making one brunette doll speak in a high pitched tone. "But, then again, I miss my family all day."

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