Chapter Twenty Two

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**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**

"That's horrible!" Bailey cried, staring at me with wide eyes.

I sighed and turned away feeling more and more depressed by the minute. She had probably been attacked too, claimed to be the friend of a werewolf lover."It happened to you too huh?"

"What? Psh, no!"

"Don't lie to me Bails."

"Okay, maybe once or twice..."

I sighed again, loudly, into the pillows while Bailey sat at the edge of the bed looking at me with pity. Pity, I hated the thing. I hated everything.

"They're a bunch of assholes, okay? Every single one in this town." Bailey said, patting my foot reassuringly. "But you just gotta' stick it to 'em and move on. Alright?"

If that was so easy.

"They went after my family." I stated flatly. "And now my friends. The people who were my neighbors! Everywhere I turn someone is stabbing me right in the back. Not to mention I've got a whole pack of werewolves just waiting for their 'Luna'."

"I hear you." Bailey mumbled and I felt a little guilty, considering this would be her fate if Jay claimed her officially. When did I get so self absorbed? Oh, right- town hall. Bailey jumped up from the bed and I rolled over, sitting up from lack of fresh air. I brushed the strands of hair out of my flushed face as she paced back and forth. Finally she stopped and glared at me.

"Are you really going to let them get to you, Charlotte? Ever since I saw you, all you've been is depressed! And that's, like, depressing!"

I crossed my arms over the pillow, the pillow that I just wanted to hold for years and years. How great would it be to just never leave this room. Carson can order me around all he wants, but I'm never going to leave this bed.

Isn't that a Maroon 5 song?

"Yeah, well, I don't care." I grumbled. She, for some reason was in an excited mood, and I, for smart reasons, am not. "Leave me in peace you annoying person." I looked down at the bed gloomily. "Like you should, like everyone should. It's for the best."


"Ow!" I cried, my hand flying up to the side of my head, where my hair was mussed. "Dammit Bailey! Did you just hit me with a hair brush?"

"Yes, yes I did." She sniffed, hands on her hips. "And you deserved it-"

"Who does that?" I yelled, ignoring her words and rubbing the throbbing bump. "Crazy, maniac, messed-up..."

She, in turn, ignored me completely. "I want my friend back, Char. And this sad, moping, stupid little person is not her-"

"Gee, thanks." I snorted. All I wanted was for her to go so I could wallow in my own misery. Is that too much to ask? Actually, I wanted her to bring up the giant tub of Ben and Jerry's and then go. That would be pretty nice...

"You're welcome." She replied on impulse. "If I know you as well as I think I do, then you will get through this Char! But not like this. Not in bed with the tub of ice cream that I know you are craving right now."

Internally I sighed. Damn it, she knows me so well.

"What's-his-face did not give you-"

"Carson." I blurted, and she waved her hand dismissively.

"Whatever. Carson didn't give you a week so you could lay in bed depressed. You're supposed to be with your family and your friends-"

"Yeah, well, apparently some of my friends didn't get the memo." I spat, thinking of Stacy, Brianne, and John.

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