Chapter Sixteen

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Dedicated to @microcaliflower for going back and voting on each chapter just to get ten votes ;) Thanks for the comments too, they made me crack up laughing and now my bro thinks there's something wrong with me! Eh, took him long enough. Anyway, you're the first person I've ever dedicated a chapter to, so you're awesome and thanks!
**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**


'You should've starved!'


'All I see is some bitch in love with a bunch of werewolves.'

Double ouch.

'I meant every word.'

Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Did she know how much her words were hurting me? Yes, Stacy was a smart girl and super observant. She knew what she was doing. And I knew in the back of my mind part of her was just scared I really DID like werewolves and that I would ditch her for them like Bethany.

But that didn't mean those words hurt any less. They were like daggers, each one tearing through my skin and plunging into my heart.

The tears were there, I could feel them burning my eyes, but I wouldn't release them. Maybe it would make Stacy feel a little bit bad, but she wouldn't know what to do. For her an apology was nonexistent. There was no going back, and I wasn't going to beg for her forgiveness. Me, a bitch in love with werewolves?

The knife stabs and twists.

Maybe I spotted a bit of regret and pain in her eyes, but no, Stacy would never show remorse through words or actions. She had completely closed herself up years before I even knew her. Though Bailey and I had been the cause of her not being as anti social, John was truly the one to bring her out of her shell. He was her knight in shining converse.

Whatever shit she pulled he was always there to catch her in case she tripped over her pride. Sometimes I wondered if Stacy knew just how much her loved her, she was his life. Think I'm exaggerating? Well I'm not.

Story time. You see John Beers used to be one of the most popular kids in middle school. He was actually really close to Connor Marks and his group of jocks, a really funny kid he was easily liked by everyone. Girls flocked to him, but he being a good little Catholic boy was chaste and pretended to be ignorant to their desires.

Then high school rolled around. I had a few friends in each of my classes, but I was really close to this girl named Bailey Tyler. We had been to elementary school together though not really that great friends except for the occasional "Let's be on the same team" in gym. We became close and I met Stacy in a few of my classes. Before I knew it the three of us were a little group. Bailey and I had been surprised by Stacy's dark personality (it had been worse at the time, so much worse.) but we accepted her with open arms when we realized she didn't have any other friends. At first you could have called her our charity case, but once she opened up to us (it took a long time, believe me) we could never let her go.

Sophomore year was the big year. We were going to get Stacy Wipps a boyfriend. Andrew Daley. Michel Peter. Walter Quinn. We gave her blind dates to the point where she had to yell at us to stop. Did that stop us? Nope.

It was a rainy, cloudy Monday morning, standing by my locker with Bailey and Stacy. Just a regular, tortuous day at Westfeild High. Bailey and Stacy were arguing about her "surprise" second date with Andrew that Bails had tricked her in to. I don't remember exactly, but somehow Bailey, on her morning caffeine high, was convinced if she pushed Stacy into someone that could start a relationship. "It would be just like a movie." She had declared and while Stacy was considering if her friend was actually insane Bailey shoved her.

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