Chapter Ten

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**When you see ITIHYKOL that stand for It's That I Hate You Kind of Love**

Emily's faded pink sneakers slapped the gravel as I walked quickly, the Pack House behind me.

I could see the end of the winding driveway and that gave me a surge of hope. Once I reach the road, that's when I'm free.

I'm going to be free.

I'm coming home.

My ears were strained and I glanced around me hoping that no werewolves were in sight. There weren't. I had had to dodge a few by launching myself into the bushes and I got a few suspicious looks, but that's it.

Escaping was easier than I thought.

I broke into a light jog as the road became closer and closer. I can't believe I'm actually getting away!

My face broke into a goofy smile and I pushed myself to go faster until the Pack House was no longer in sight and my feet touched the pavement.

I was no longer on werewolf grounds.

I let out a loud Whoop! And starting laughing for joy. I'm free!

I couldn't help my beaming smile and my heart soaring. Laughing and grinning at the sky, I collapsed to my knees ignoring the pain and kissed the road briefly. "Thank you, thank you!" I cried. "I'm free!

I stood up fist pumping the air and laughing hysterically. I can't believe this is happening! I'm actually free!

Cya never Carson!

I'll go right home and tell my mom and Ben we have to pack. Then we'll pack our bags and drive, anywhere! We won't have to worry about Carson ever again!

Light as air, I began walking towards town. The smile never left my face.

About five minutes later, humming a song and pondering how my family will react when I knock on the door, I barely noticed the low growl behind me.

The key word here being 'barely', meaning I still noticed.

Meaning my heart stopped and I froze mid step.

I closed my eyes tightly, please don't let it be what I think it is. Slowly I spun on my heel, opening my eyes. I sucked in a breath.

A wolf.

No, not a wolf exactly.

By the mean intelligence glinting in its mocking, stormy blue eyes, and the bundle of clothes wrapped around its right hind leg, it was a werewolf.


The werewolf lifted his head regally with bared teeth, as if he was making fun of me some how.

I gulped at the long, sharp teeth he was sporting.

His shaggy black fur was bristled, his long tail twitching, one of his front paws digging into the asphalt with, surprisingly, short claws and still that ever-present glare.

We stared at each other, silently daring the other to move.

I knew the wolf had the upper hand in what ever was going to happen, and by his taunting eyes, he knew it to.

I hesitantly took a small step back trying to put more distance between us, we were about twenty feet apart. The wolf tilted his head slightly to the side, his teeth baring into a sneering grin. It was scary seeing a wild animal act so human, like horror movie kind of scary.

I took another step back, still staring at the werewolf. I've never seen one in their wolf form and I have to say, I don't like it. This is the true monster that they're hiding behind smiling, beautiful faces.

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