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Thanks and enjoy this chapter.


We spent the rest of the afternoon letting me familiarise with the mansion we called home. The upper floor consists of the library, our bedroom, a guest bedroom, and a recreation room with a television set and various other entertainment means. The guest room and recreation room were smaller than the other two but not by much. Each room was lavishly decorated and had their own joining bathrooms.

Downstairs, one side of the main hallway led to a living room with leather couches and a large television screen. There was yet another glass screen concealed by heavy curtains but instead of balconies, it displayed a view of the front lawn. I could see Jack's shiny car still parked out front. There was a door some feet away from the television screen and I assumed that it led to the garage.

At the other end of the hall was the kitchen and a connecting dining room, the store room, and a servant's room. After going round the house, I wasn't surprised that we had servants' quarters. I found our housekeeper, Sally, in the kitchen preparing dinner. She was a motherly character with a stout figure and salt and pepper hair permed into tight curls on her head. As soon as she heard Jack announce our arrival, she dropped everything and came to us. She barely came up to my chest but she had unexpected strength, dragging me down by my shoulders so she could inspect me closely. Jack made the introductions as I was almost bent double with Sally fussing over me. She let me go once she was satisfied with my appearance and gave me a warm smile.

"Welcome home, sweetie," she said to me. "It's good to have you back. I'll have dinner ready soon."

"Thanks," I replied politely.

"It smells amazing, Sal," Jack complimented. "We'll leave you to it."

"Go, get out," Sally shooed us out of the kitchen.

Jack took my hand and led me out to the back of the house which could only be accessed through the kitchen. There was a beautiful garden out back full of lush greenery that only stopped at the walls that surrounded the grounds. A small pebbled pathway led through thick green bushes full of flowers and fruits to a little wooden shed at the far end of this cordoned off little piece of paradise. There was also a swinging bench directly to my left, hanging from the ceiling of the porch.

"This is Sally's work," said Jack. "She likes gardening. Sometimes she lets us hang out here as long as we don't crush any of her geraniums."

"It's nice," I commented.

Just then, Sally called us in for dinner. Our food was waiting for us at one end of the dining table, which was long enough to fit eight chairs. Tonight's dinner was lasagne and the smell alone made my stomach growl with anticipation. I have had nothing but hospital rations since I woke up from my coma and I could take anymore tasteless, overcooked dishes. The pasta was rich, creamy, and warmed me up from inside me. As I scooped spoonfuls of it into my mouth, I almost gave out moans of pleasure.

Jack noticed my appetite and chuckled. "It's good, huh?"

"It's amazing," I said without having to stop eating.

Less than half an hour later, we found ourselves full and drowsy from the good food. With nothing better to do, we retreated up to our bedroom. I haven't showered the whole day so I left Jack to his own devices while I got cleaned. In the bathroom, I finally got a good look at my appearance. It was disorienting at best. I couldn't recognise the face in the mirror. I had thick stubble on my face and my hair's cut differently. I tore away from the mirror, unable to stand looking at my face any longer.

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