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Just another cute little chapter, I hope you enjoy it.


The soft sheets were a welcome relief to my aching body. I groaned in pleasure and as the silky smooth linen caressed my skin. I had shed my jeans with much difficulty and hadn't bothered to put anything else on so I stretched in bed in just my boxers. I felt dirty and sticky all over but I was too tired to shower now.

I would do it in the morning, I decided. I looked out and saw the sky getting pale. I would do it when I wake up.

There was a dip in the mattress that tilted my body to one side and a shirtless Jack crawled into bed with me. I would've rolled over and held him in my arms but it hurt too much to do that. Instead, I slipped my fingers between his and let our arms press against each other from shoulder to fingertips. And we both laid there, staring up at the ceiling in silence.

"Hey, Alex," Jack spoke up. "You're not mad at me, are you?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "For keeping the whole leaders of a gang thing a secret," he replied. "I wanted you to think we were normal people who did normal things with our lives. I just wanted to protect you."

"I know, Jack," I assured him. "That's why I'm not mad. I would've done the same thing if I were you."

"I'd be pissed if I found out you were taking on so much for my sake," he said honestly, meeting my gaze.

I chuckled, "Just as well that I'm the one who had amnesia, then." I squeezed his hand and said, "Thanks for holding up the fort while I was gone. More like, when my memory was gone. I was around physically..."

"I get it," he cut me off. "And you're welcome," he added humourously. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad you're back. It's a lot of work running the strongest gang in the city by yourself."

"I can imagine," I agreed. "That's why you're the best man in the world, Jack," I told him. Affectionately, I planted a kiss on his bare shoulder which bore the skull tattoo that everyone in our company had to get as a claim of loyalty. Just because I liked to do it, I kissed his shoulder a second time before rolling my head back to stare up at the ceiling.

We fell into a comfortable silence. Jack brought my hand to his lips and pressed kisses onto my knuckles, his stubble tickling the back of my hand. I decided to mess with him a little so I flexed and closed my hand and pinched whatever part of his face I could get between my fingers. It was mostly his nose and he'd make little disgruntled noises every time I caught it. Giving up on his petty battle with my hand, he caught me by the wrist and held it out of reach of his face and buried his nose into the crook of my neck.

"That tickles," I laughed. "No, stop it," I cried out as Jack started playfully nipping at the skin from my exposed shoulder up to my jaw.

Still weak from the incident in the warehouse, all I could do was lie there and give feeble protests as Jack peppered kisses on my face, neck, and collar bones. He eventually let go of my hand so I rested it on the side of his face as he finally settled down and rested his head beside mine. Absentmindedly, I stroked his cheek.

"The bar fight the other night," I recalled, turning my head to look him in the eye. "It wasn't just any random bar fight, was it?"

"No, it wasn't," he replied truthfully.

"What really happened?" I asked.

"It was some of Carlile's men that came and decide to start some trouble," he explained. "I just had to pick out the leader and tell him to leave."

"You took a long time to sort that out," I remarked.

He huffed, smiling slightly. "He was a little stubborn and needed some convincing," he shrugged. "Also, he was good at blending in and it took me a while to find him. Had to get a confession out of one of the others."

"What a coward," I said. "Unlike you, you're so brave and strong and cute," I cooed, tapping the tip of his nose with each adjective I listed out.

He scrunched up his nose and whined, "I'm not cute."

I leaned in closer and smiled. "Yes, you are," I said and I kissed his lips before he could protest. "Yes, you are."


I like writing fluffy things like this, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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I'll see you soon. 

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