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This is the last chapter, guys. I hope you liked the story. I apologise for certain events that has happened in the story but it was a big part of how this story's idea started. Regardless, enjoy the chapter!


Back home, I ignored Sally when she answered the door and asked about Jack when she saw that he wasn't with us. I went straight to my room and let Rian deliver the news to her. I heard her gasp and start to cry and I slammed the door to shut out her sounds. I didn't stay in the room for long. To see the place where I remember Jack best and know that Jack would no longer be there, it was simply too much to bear. So I spent the night in the guest room two doors down. Rian found me a while later but I wouldn't let him in. Giving up, he told me that he would come by again tomorrow.

As promised, Zack and Rian came in the morning. Regardless of the tragedy, we still had business to take care off. There were casualties to be tended to and bodies to get rid of. Our medics had their work cut out for them for the next few days because it would be fishy if fifty men were to go to a public Emergency Room and with nasty wounds of similar nature. As for the deceased, we gave them back to their families if they had one. We had our own mortuary somewhere in the middle of the dodgiest part of town. Unclaimed bodies were cremated, their ashes strewn into the wind.

Zack and Rian reported that everything was running smoothly and that our casualties this time were minimal and our pubs and joints were open again as per usual. They went to check out the warehouses and it seems that Carlile's men had cleaned up the scene well, saving us a lot of trouble. It was spotless and free of fallen fighters. According to them, it looked like the fight never even took place. And how I wish it didn't.

All throughout our meeting in the library, none of us mentioned Jack. Not until we were through with the serious stuff and that it was clear that we were friends again, and not just colleagues. The line between work and our personal lives was drawn by a long silence after I nodded my satisfaction upon their reports. The air was thick with the words we all wanted to say and the one person we all wanted to talk about.

I was the one to make the first move. "So," I started. "What about Jack?"

"Everything's been taken care off," Zack replied. "He's in the mortuary. It's up to you if you want a service or anything..."

I shook my head no. "I just want to keep things simple," I told them. "And easy," I added, mostly to myself.

They both nodded solemnly. I reached for the bottle of whiskey we'd kept on the desk. I poured a glass for each of us. Rian raised his glass and Zack and I mimicked him. We made a toast to Jack and I downed my drink in one go, letting the alcohol burn my throat and sear my guts. Then we stood in silence, unsure of what to do or what to say. There was a void, a hole in the fabric of the universe where Jack once stood. Nothing anybody did could possibly fill that hole. All of us knew that.

"We need to go now," Rian said, breaking the heavy silence. "Are you gonna be okay?"

I nodded. "I'll be fine," I replied. "Go ahead, I'll see you later."

They exchanged looks before heading towards the door. I gave them a small smile to encourage them to leave. Rian nodded and walked out but Zack lingered behind. He reached into his pocket and fished out a familiar looking zip lock bag. It looked like the one that Jack had presented my belongings to me in all those many weeks ago in the hospital. Except it wasn't filled with my stuff this time. Zack held it out to me.

"It's, uh, Jack's things," Zack explained.

I took it for him. "Thank you," I said and I accepted the plastic bag from him. Inside were Jack's phone, gun, and all the accessories he had with him at the time, including his ring.

"I'll be going now," Zack murmured softly. Then he left, closing the door behind him.

Alone again, I fished the small silver band out of the bag, remembering when Jack gave mine to me after my coma. Playing with it between my fingers, I smiled at all the good memories we've ever shared despite my sorrow.

Ah, yes. Memories. I've lost them once before. Don't plan on losing them again. Especially now when memories are all I have left of Jack. I'm going to take extra care of them and make sure I don't forget him again. 


The end.

The ending's a bit vague and short because I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a sequel or not (yes, maybe Jack would've pulled a Sherlock) but now I've decided I wouldn't for two reasons. One, "coming back from the dead" tropes are kinda corny. Two, I no longer have the time to sit down for hours on end to write besides doing school work. So Jack and Alex's story will be as such. It's up to you to decide if Jack gets a second chance at life or not. 

It was fun writing this story and I hope you liked reading it. 

Thank you.

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