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Don't hate me, please. *hides behind a wall*


"Game's over, Gaskarth," Carlile gloated. "I win."

"No, you haven't," I said. "I didn't surrender."

Carlile gestured to Jack's limp body in my arms. "Look, I've taken away the one thing in your life that you care about the most," he declared. "You are nothing without each other, any blind fool could see that."

Despite myself, I chuckled. "You're wrong," I replied, balling up my fists. "It just means that I've got nothing left to lose," I snarled and jumped at him.

I took him by surprise and knocked him to the floor. I raised my blade, ready to take the killing plunge but he blocked me. I felt blinding pain as he gave me a solid right hook to the face. I swung my blade, not caring what it hit. I heard him yell out in pain. The sound of his agony gave me power and I struck again and again. I alternated between fist and blade, my sole aim to hurt him as much as possible. Hurt him so he could have a taste of the pain that I was feeling. I favoured the fist, so I could feel the impact on my bruising skin.

Soon, I couldn't see his face before me. All I saw was the blade that went through Jack. All I saw was how the end of the blade that protruded from his torso was dripping with his blood. All I saw was the surprised look on Jack's face. All I saw was his eyes as his beautiful life slipped away from them.

Grief fuelled me and Carlile didn't stand a chance. He was screaming but I couldn't hear him. I wanted him dead. I wanted to end all of this useless fighting once and for all.

I roared and held my knife over my head, taking aim at his chest below. But I didn't do it. I stopped.

"Please don't kill me," I heard Carlile whimper. "I surrender, I surrender."

I looked down at the mess I've made on his face and body. The fear in his eyes was undoubtably true.

I plunged down. He winced, waiting for the last seconds of his life. The end never came for him. The blade just missed his shoulder and neck, landing hilt deep into the dirt next to him.

There was a second of silence as he realised that he wasn't dead. He saw the knife beside him and looked up at me, confused.

"Enough people have died today," I said grimly. Then I pushed myself off of him, taking my machete with me. "Get lost, I don't ever want to see you around these parts again. I won't spare your life a second time," I warned.

Carlile didn't need telling twice. Immediately, he clambered up to his feet and hobbled away as fast as he could. I watched as he went back to the remainder of his gang. They got into their cars and drove away.

Once the last of the cars disappeared, I turned back to Jack. The sight of him lying on the ground brought me to my knees. Despite the fact that he was lying the blood that flowed from his mortal wound, he looked so peaceful.

I gathered him into my arms. He was still warm but it was slowly leaving him too. His head rested in the crook of my elbow just like he was sleeping. But he wasn't. The pain of acknowledging that fact made me double over and I did something I've only ever done for him. I cried.

I sobbed and I wailed, not caring if anybody could hear me. I begged him to come back. I scolded him for being so careless. But it was all in vain. My pleas were falling upon dead ears, quite literally.

I don't know how long I knelt there with Jack on my lap. I stroked his dual toned hair as waves of grief crashed through me. Some part of me was in desperate denial, hoping for a pulse that wasn't there.

A more sensible part of me knew this was my last chance to hold him. This part of me was what stopped me from trying to shake the life back into a dead body. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his forehead. Tears flowed again and I moved down to kiss his eyelids, the bridge of his nose, his lips. I committed everything to memory, from the way he smelled to the way his skin felt against mine.

All too soon, a pair of arms came and lifted Jack away from me. I nearly fought him off if it weren't for someone else holding me back and making sure all weapons were beyond my reach. I realised it was Zack and he gave me a sympathetic look as I helplessly watched him carry Jack out of the room.

"No," I moaned. "Don't go. Please don't take him away from me," I begged.

"Alex..." I heard Rian say but I ignored him.

"This is an order. I said come back here!" I yelled at the dark archway. "Please," I whimpered, "come back."

But Zack was already gone. Rian still had my arms held behind my back and I crumpled, losing all my strength and willpower. I curled into myself, trying to fill the void that Jack had left. Rian decided that I was safe enough for him to let go of my hands and he waited there for me to stop crying.

"Come on, Alex," Rian coaxed, nudging me to stand up and walk. "Let's take you home."


If it makes you feel any better, I almost cried writing this.

We're nearing the end of this story, guys. Only one more chapter to go!

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