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Fast forward a few days and this time I slipped back into the true routine of our daily lives, working with Zack and Rian to maintain peace in the streets the way the police couldn't. We didn't use particularly lawful methods neither were they gentle, but they were effective and that's what mattered in the end. Law was manmade, after all. It's not gospel.

One rather uneventful evening, Jack and I were watching a skirmish beginning to brew between two men. Both were quite young and one was getting a bit to forceful with a girl the other had taken a liking to. The feeling wasn't mutual between boy and girl, according to the gossip that I have received. There was jostling and petty insults at first but we paid it no mind until punches began to fly and the girl was starting to look a little more than distressed.

I looked at Jack and he shrugged. It was my turn to settle a fight. I slid off my perch at the bar and walked straight towards the angry duo. I grabbed each one by the collar and pushed them away in opposite directions.

"Enough," I ordered sternly. "I don't want any fights in here."

I looked each one in the eye. I knew them as two of ours. Both of them bore our skull tattoo somewhere on their skin just like everybody else in the gang. They were foot soldiers, just a pair of youths that followed orders and carried out petty jobs. Just like Jack and I had when we first began.

"Dirty bastard started feeling up my girl and didn't stop when she said no," the one on my right spat.

"She ain't yours," the one on my left sneered.

They charged at each other and I shoved them apart again. "Enough," I warned. "You," I jabbed a finger into the chest of the first boy. "I want you to go out and take a walk. You can come back in when you're cooled off and sober." I shoved him in the direction of the door and he stormed out like a kid throwing a tantrum.

"As for you," I grabbed the second one by the collar of his shirt. "I don't wanna hear any more about mistreating girls," I snarled at him. "You respect these girls like they're your sisters or you're gonna regret it, you hear me?"

He didn't reply. I tightened my grip on his shirt.

"I said, 'Do you hear me?'" I grit my teeth.

He gulped, the fear in his eyes clear as day. "Yes, sir," he squeaked.

"What's that? I didn't hear you."

"Y-yes, sir," he repeated, louder this time.

"Good," I said, letting him go. "But I want you out of my sight for the rest of the night. Go."

He darted out the door, not wasting a second. I became aware that the whole joint had eyes on me. I waved my hands dismissively and everyone went back to their business, some of them shooting cautious glances as I made my way back to the bar and back to Jack, who was waiting for me with a smile and a fresh glass of whiskey.


I am aware that the story is going a little slow now but don't worry, excitement will come soon. 

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