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One evening, things seemed a little off but I couldn't quite put my finger on what. Everything seemed fine but I was on edge and on the verge of paranoia. I kept an eye on the crowd before me in The Rave. Upon my urgent request, Jack had left temporarily to call the other joints and give them a heads up.

I had even texted Zack and Rian to do the same. When they asked why, I just replied with, "I have a bad feeling."

The front doors swung open and Jack returned, making a beeline for me. "Everyone's on high alert," he reported, sitting down beside me in the booth in the far corner of the joint. "What's wrong?"

"There are a lot of new faces around tonight," I muttered behind my glass of soda. I decided to pass on any alcohol because I needed to be as sober as possible tonight.

Jack followed my gaze and scanned the dark room. After a long moment of silence, he said, "You're right. Something's up."

Before he could say any more, someone slid into the seat opposite us. Their features were hidden behind a drawn hood and stooped figure. Jack and I exchanged glances and the stranger chuckled. My stomach dropped. I knew that laugh. And it bore no good news.

"Sorry to interrupt your romantic little date but I have some business I want to discuss with you," Carlile snickered, pulling his hood down to reveal himself. "Surprise," he grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "What do you want?"

"I told you what I want the last time we met," Carlile replied. He turned to Jack and pouted, "I wanted to talk to you but you came and went without saying hi. How rude of you."

"We have nothing to say to each other," Jack snapped. "Get lost, or we'll chase you out."

"I think you'll find that easier said than done," Carlile taunted. With a snap of his fingers, half the room grabbed the nearest person to them and pressed knives to their necks. The din fell to pin drop silence. A girl screamed and was cut off by the sound of knuckles hitting flesh.

"Look, we can settle this some other way," I reasoned.

"I agree," Carlile cut in. "It's not easy to clean blood off the floor and I won't be doing that when I take over the place. Too time consuming."

"Who said anything about letting you run this place?" Jack scowled.

"I did," Carlile replied. "And I'm going to take over all your territories." Then he acted like he was considering something. "Maybe, I'll let you have an old garbage site to run in return."

"And how do you plan to take them from us?" Jack asked testily.

"I propose a fight," Carlile announced loud enough for the whole room to hear. "No guns, no rules. Just your men against mine. And I suggest you agree, if not I only have to say a single word and everyone in this room will drop dead."

Jack and I looked at each other. We had no choice but to agree and Jack knew it too. Finally, I looked back at Carlile, who was eagerly waiting for our reply.

"Fine," I said. "We'll do it Friday morning, out at the abandoned houses on the East side."

Carlile shook his head. "I don't think so," he tsked. "I'm not particularly happy with what you did to my men so I think I will decide the time and place. Thursday morning, back at the warehouses. I'll see you then."

With that, he stood up and walked out of the place. His men filed out behind him, emptying the place. Soon, the place was quiet again and all eyes were on us. Some girls began sobbing out of fear and relief. Jack and I exchange grave looks.

The bartender came up to us. "What are we going to do?" He asked dutifully.

Jack was the one who replied. "Gather every man we've got. You heard him, Thursday morning, at the warehouses down south," he barked.

"Yes, sir," the bartender said and gave a small bow before leaving us alone.

"We'd better tell Zack and Rian," Jack sighed. "We have a big one coming."


Ooooooohhhh a storm's brewing haha.

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