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It gets very exciting from here on out so hold on to your seats and enjoy the chapter.


Every once in a while, we get a massive fight that felt like the last half hour of an epic movie. It was nothing new to any of us. We were bound to have casualties and we were ready for it. It could happen at any time of the day, anywhere. For the sake of the regular folk, we tried to keep it away from the streets of the city. We would take our enemy head on. Usually we win. Then we would return to our daily lives like nothing ever happened.

Jack and I hardly slept the night before. We closed all our joints for the night and made everyone go home and get ready for the morning. In a hidden compartment in our closet, I withdrew our weapons that we never used except for big fights like this. I pulled out a pair of machetes, each blade about the length of my forearm. Despite what Carlile said about no guns, I took out our pistols and handed them to Jack to check for ammunition. I wasn't counting on Carlile to stay true to his word so I was about to take no chances.

We drove out to the warehouses before the sun came up. Sunrise found us gathered on the dusty tar road that surrounded the warehouses, an army of over a hundred fighters ranging from their teens to their late thirties. Every one of them was wielding a weapon of choice, ranging from small daggers to whips and chains to machetes like mine and Jack's.

None of Carlile's men have arrived yet but I liked to be punctual. This way, we had the advantage of choosing attack points. Already I had sent groups of fighters to hide out at various places and to watch our backs when things got messy. Lynn, a feisty girl with a mean kick and Rian's most prized fighter, came up to him and whispered something in his ear.

Rian nodded at me. "Carlile's coming," he said.

Everybody around us heard him and a murmur of excitement spread among the crowd. I grinned at my three best and oldest friends.

"See you all at the other end," I said to them.

They laughed and we saw the entourage of cars and vans driving towards us. The vehicles stopped and armed men poured out of them, including Carlile's cronies. Ashby puffed his chest out at us as menacingly as he could but none of us were affected by his display. He said something to the other three and they sniggered. They hushed when Carlile finally stepped out of his car and walked over to us like he had control over everything.

"Let's lay down the stakes," he announced once he was standing right in front of me, getting straight down to business. "We fight until one of us surrenders. Winner gets whatever they want off the loser. Simple, straightforward, fair. Agreed?"

"Agreed," I replied.

He held out his hand. "Let's shake on it," he smiled sinisterly.

I took his hand and shook it briefly.

"Now," he said, his smile widening to a grin. "Attack."


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