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How's everybody thinking of the story so far? I really would like some comments please.

Also, I have attached a photo of how mafia leader Jalex looks like. Minus Alex's blue hair.


We woke up some time in the middle of the day with limbs draped over each other. Sally was knocking at the door, telling us that Zack and Rian had come. Groggily, Jack called out to let them make themselves at home. My body was stiff and I could feel every bruise as we untangled ourselves from each other.

"I'm going to shower," I mumbled, rolling off the bed quite reluctantly.

I peeled off my boxers and bandages and ambled into the showers. The shock of cold water was effective in waking me up. I gasped and quickly turned the heat on. As I gingerly lathered soap all over my body, I inspected the purple patches that covered it. They were more sensitive than they were a few hours ago but they were okay as long as I didn't touch them.

I heard Jack eventually walk in to brush his teeth just as I finished with my shower. I slid up next to him and mimicked his actions. In the mirror, I saw that my face looked a lot better than it felt. There was only a small bruise on my cheek and the cut on my lip had reduced to just a small red mark at the corner of my bottom lip. I caught Jack scanning my body from the mirror's reflection as we carried out our morning regime. I wriggled my eyebrows cheekily and he rolled his eyes.

"How do those feel?" He asked, referring to the bruises.

"They're okay if I don't touch them," I replied. "The cut's looking okay too."

He agreed. "As long as it doesn't get infected," he said. "Do you want me to help dress it?"

"I think I'll be fine," I told him.

Once we were decent, we left the room. We found Zack and Rian in the library, indeed making themselves at home. Rian was lounging on the day bed in the middle of the room and Zack was sitting at the desk with his feet propped up.

Jack nodded to Zack, "Did you see Carlile last night?"

Zack shook his head. "We didn't exactly hang around waiting for him," he replied. "But there was no sign of him."

I frowned. "But he was there earlier," I spoke up. "And he was quite interested in talking business before he left."

Zack shrugged. "He let his guard down, I guess," he said. "Probably counting on his tiny sidekick to tell him when we arrived."

"He won't be very happy to come back and find them tied up," I said grimly. "He'll try and pick a fight somewhere and we need to get more men on guard."

Zack and Rian looked at me like I had two heads. They looked at Jack and he shrugged.

"How d-?" Rian started.

I stopped him with a flippant wave of a hand. "I got my memory back," I explained briefly. "No time for details, we need to make sure Carlile and his men don't start causing trouble anywhere."

"We'll get that done immediately," Rian responded obediently. "And the girls?"

"Tell them to avoid leaving our territories," I said. "We can keep them safe as long as they're in our grounds. I want men stationed everywhere twenty four seven," I instructed. "If Carlile's footmen can get to me in the same alley where our joint is, it means we need to be on high alert."

"Roger that," Rian said and both he and Zack stood up to leave.

Just before they exited, they stopped and turned back at us. "Hey, Alex," Rian called.

"What is it?"

"It's great to have you back," he grinned and Zack smiled behind him.

I couldn't help the twitch in the corners of my mouth either. "It's great to be back," I replied. "Now, go and do your work."

"Aye, aye, Cap'n," Zack mocked and they left the place laughing.


Very fun.

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I'll see you soon.

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