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Okay, so the last chapter was a bit short. So I decided I'd upload this one as well. Enjoy!


Pandemonium struck at a single word and the fight began. Ashby and another of Carlile's men charged at me and I had just enough time to defend myself. While I was preoccupied, I saw Carlile slip away. The coward.

I felt someone back up into me and my gut instinct told me it was Jack. He was facing two men of his own. Carlile's strategy soon became clear. His four cronies were to take care of us while he went off to hide somewhere like the spineless worm he was. Jack and I had our hands full. Zack and Rian were nearby holding their own ground. We were currently outnumbered almost two to one because I had sent a good portion of our fighters away from the frontlines. But I was confident of our strengths and I knew we could handle it.

"Did you see where Carlile went?" I asked Jack, deflecting yet another stab from Ashby.

"He was headed for the warehouse," Jack grunted.

I heard a dull thud and a groan of pain. I glanced back to see that Jack had managed to kick one of his opponents to the ground. Beside Ashby, my second opponent had long flowy hair and I caught hold of his locks then elbowed him in the back. I used his temporarily weakened body to shield myself from Ashby's blade and shoved him at the redhead. Although small in size, Ashby was a good fighter and a tough one to beat. Jack disarmed his last opponent and an uppercut that could've dislocated his jaw.

"We need to get to Carlile," I said and he nodded.

We broke into a run towards the warehouse that I was held captive in not too long ago. A tiny voice in my head wondered why Carlile like this location so much but I was a bit too busy to acknowledge the notion. Once I entered the building however, I was reminded of the nagging question in the back of my head.

Inside, the fight was more intense than outside. I wasn't even expecting there to be any action in here until much later but it turns out Carlile's men had gotten in. Or maybe they were never out and I had unwittingly sent a bunch of my people blindly into a trap. I'll worry about the guilt later. Now just wasn't the time.

It was no doubt that all of them knew who we were because they tried to attack us when they had the opportunity. Fortunately, they were all inexperienced or unskilled and they didn't stand a chance against Jack and me. I saw the fear in a handful of them. They were scared of us but they had orders to carry out and I pitied them for a split second before knocking each one to the ground.

We made it into the middle of the giant, high ceilinged room without so much as a scratch. Carlile was nowhere to be seen and he had men coming in from every nook and cranny. I had my back to the entrance, fighting off some more rookies but I heard Jack say, "Ashby's coming. And he's got a lot of company."

"Let's get somewhere safer," I suggested. "See anything?"

"There's a ledge one storey up," Jack reported after a moment. "It's narrow so it should make things easier."

"Right," I approved, glancing up at the ledge he was referring to. It was really narrow, with only enough space to squeeze two men side by side at most. "Now we need to find a way to get up there."

"This way," Jack said and darted off.

I followed closely behind as we put some distance between us and the gang of men at the door led by Ashby. We found a set of metal steps that led upwards at such a steep incline it was more like a ladder and began climbing. They spotted us when we ascended above the crowd on the floor and they charged straight for us. We sped up.

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