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The second pub we visited was a short drive away and a great deal livelier than the first one. Although measures had been taken to reduce the noise pollution, I could still hear the bass thumping from outside the building. Inside, there was a DJ's mixing table on the stage and house music blared from giant speakers. Multi-coloured laser lights danced around in the dark room. Away from the dance floor, there were stainless steel tables and stools for those who didn't fancy being in the thick of the party.

There was a crowd at the bar, a bunch of rowdy boys laughing and drinking with one another. The chatter died down somewhat when we walked in. The two bartenders behind the counter looked relieved and grateful for the break they've been given. All of them seemed to know who we were and in the bad light, I could see that they were intimidated.

They left the bar like scattered pigeons when Jack confidently walked up to it. A handful of braver ones lingered at the end of the long counter but quickly left when Jack shot them a look. It was quite a strange sight to see. I knew we owned the place but I didn't know we owned the patrons too. At least, that what it looked like.

I looked at Rian and Zack and they shrugged. It was too dark for me to see their expressions so I don't know whether they were bothered by it or not. Even as Jack began to talk with the bartender who seemed to be in charge, I noticed the other men hanging around trying to listen in on what they were say. It was impossible to hear anything over this din, though.

The noise level and flashing lights were getting to me and I started to have a splitting headache. I needed to get out of here. Leaning into Zack's ear, I still had to shout to be heard. "I need to get some air," I yelled.

Zack nodded that he heard me and he relayed the message to Rian then ushered me out the door we came in. I breathed a sigh of relief when we were out and away from the noise and lights. There weren't any outdoor seats at this pub so I leaned against a pillar while Zack watched from a few feet away.

"I can imagine Saturday nights get pretty wild in this place," I commented once I got my headache under control.

Zack huffed. "Yeah, it does," he said. "But it brings in the money."

Just then, the shrill and unmistakeable sound of glass breaking came from inside the pub. Both Zack and I looked up. The music had stopped and the sounds of bubbling excitement could be heard. There was a yell and the excitement gave way to roaring chaos.

"That can't be good," muttered Zack.

I panicked. Jack and Rian were in there. "What's happening?" I asked him cautiously.

He didn't get to answer my question because his phone beeped. He read the message and quickly ushered me away from the pub.

Confused and worried, I tried to resist. "Where are we going? What's going on? Stop, Jack and Rian are in there," I protested in vain.

"We're going to get you home," Zack replied, still making me move further away from the pub. "Jack and Rian can take care of themselves."

"What's going on?"

"Just a drunken fight," Zack said flippantly, like it was nothing.

"There's a fight?!" I cried out and tried to wriggle my way out but Zack had an iron grasp on my arm.

"Shh," he hissed. "The whole world doesn't have to know." We stopped at this car and he opened the door for me. I didn't get in, eyeing him wearily. "Please don't make me force you in there," Zack begged.

I got into the car and we drove off at top speed. I said nothing the whole way back. In my head, I was worried for Jack. I was angry at Zack for making me leave. Part of me knew I would've been no use back there but I still didn't want to go home. I couldn't help imagining the awful things that could be going on in the joint. The image of Jack being in the middle of such violence just about rendered me useless with fear.

We got home and Zack had the keys to get in. I was too numb to function, only staring blankly ahead and walking wherever Zack made me go. I felt like I was floating somewhere else. My body was on the ground but I wasn't. I wasn't even thinking about the fight anymore. I was just there, and yet not, at the same time.

I heard Zack call out for Sally as he ushered me to the living room and sat me down on the couch. He sounded quite urgent and Sally came rushing out. I heard him whisper to her and I heard her gasp. Sally left and Zack stood in front of me. He bent over to meet my gaze but I wasn't there.

"I'm going back to check on them, okay?" He said to me. "Sally will take care of you."

I made myself nod. Just once. A small dip of the head.

He seemed satisfied with my response. He pat me on the back and then left. I didn't move even as I heard him drive back out. I just stared straight ahead. The TV screen was black, I noted absently, lost in my thoughts or wherever I must've been.

Sally returned and sat on the couch perpendicular to mine. I heard the clink of china and I smelled tea. The warm, floral scent roused me slightly, placing me back in my body so I gained feeling in my limbs again. My hands were shaking, I noticed. My throat was dry but it had nothing to do with thirst.

Sally sighed. "He'll be alright, child," she soothed. "He's been in many fights before and he's never came out with anything more than a scratch," she said. "And I know that boy," she continued. "As long as he's got a good enough reason to, he'll win any fight."

She leaned over and took my shaking hands in hers. I looked at her, expressionless. She smiled comfortingly before speaking up again. She said each word slowly, making sure I captured every syllable.

"With you here, he has the best damn reason to come home safe. I know it, he knows it, and I want you to know it. You are his lifeline, just as he is yours. And he will do anything to come home to you in one piece," she said.

I didn't move, I didn't say anything. I just stared at her and she met my gaze. I felt it before I knew what was happening. Wet and hot, it rolled down my cheek and landed on my lap. It only took one drop to start a cascade. I felt my jeans getting soaked and I held my breath for as long as I could before letting out a sob.

Then it felt like a dam had been broken. My emotions came flooding back into me, all the pain and anger and fear that I was supposed to feel. All the memories of every other time I was worried for Jack came back to haunt me. All the times we've been separated in fights. All the times I sat at our rendezvous points feverishly waiting for him to burst in. Never have I felt such intense agony before. It was like I was living every moment again and all at the same time.

The reasons and the nature of the fights were completely unknown to me. I didn't know why we had rendezvous points or where they even were and I was too worked up to worry about it. All I knew was that fights were a regular occurrence in our lives and I never liked it when we had to part ways.

Through my breakdown, Sally was steady as a rock. Rubbing my shoulders, she waited silently until I calmed down. She didn't speak until my sobs had died down to little hiccups, my lungs too tired to have bigger movements.

"There, there," she soothed. "He'll be back before sundown, see if he doesn't," she reassured me.

I nodded weakly.

"Do you want anything to eat?" She asked and I shook my head. "I have to get back to work. Do you think you'll be alright on your own here?" I nodded. "Okay, then," she said. "Drink your tea before it gets too cold, sweetie. It'll make you feel better."

"Thank you," I croaked and she smiled at me before getting up and leaving me alone.


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