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Happy Valentine's Day! To whoever has plans, I hope you'll have fun. To those who don't, you can just spend your day reading this, haha.

This is the last filler chapter. Exciting stuff happens after this. In the meantime, enjoy!


Midnights and early morning hours usually found us tangled up in bed, tired from hanging around the pubs. On rare occasions, both of us would be too tired or too drunk to drive home and we'd retreat into the office upstairs and spend the night there. We'd fall asleep to the muffled sounds of activity below us and wake up to breakfast cooking in the kitchen.

This time, we were tipsy but we were able to navigate our way home. We burst into the bedroom like a pair of giggly schoolkids. Somewhere between the porch and the bottom of the staircase, I started being a little touchy feely and things grew from there. Jack didn't seem to mind one bit as I led the way into our room.

Something hit the back of my leg and I fell onto the soft sheets of our bed, bringing Jack down with me. He tried to get off but I held him in place, kissing him wherever my lips landed. I moved us further into the bed and we both kicked of our shoes.

"You're so drunk," Jack laughed, his skin flushed from his own alcohol consumption.

"And you're wearing too many layers," I quipped back, moving my hands to push his jacket off his shoulders.

Jack didn't protest. Instead, he helped with the process, shrugging off the jacket and tossing it to the side. His shirt soon joined his jacket on the floor then it was my turn. Straddling my lap, Jack stripped my jacket away before pulling my shirt up and over my head. Gently, he nudged me until I fell back onto the mattress, me looking up at him and him looking down at me.

The playful and impatient air had dissipated and something more intense and solemn had taken its place. Jack was the one to break eye contact, letting his gaze travel slowly down my face to my chest and to the white bandage on my abdomen.

"We should probably have a look at that," he murmured. With gentle fingers, he peeled away the surgical tape that kept the gauze stuck to my body.

I raised my head to look at it. It had time to recover from the rough beating and it had gone past the stage of excreting pale yellow liquid and now a long scab sealed the hole where the blade had pierced my skin. Thanks to Jack's meticulous care, the wound was spared of infections that could have further complicated the healing process. It didn't really need to be dressed anymore but it itched like hell and Jack put a protective layer on it so I wouldn't scratch the wound back open. It was hard to resist now that the wound was out in the open. I reached to relieve myself of the itch but Jack slapped my hand away.

"You're gonna make it worse," he scolded and I sighed.

"But it really itches," I whined, folding my arms on my chest.

A small smile crept up on his lips and there was an unmistakeable twinkle in his eye. "I can help take your mind off that," he said slyly, leaning in to kiss me.

"Sounds like a good idea," I replied, and he began trailing butterfly kisses from my lips to my cheek and travelled downwards.

He was pretty thorough with his exploration of my body, kissing all along my collarbone. Then he pressed his lips to the spot right over my heart, which was trembling with excitement as I tried to keep my breathing regular. I could feel the graze of his stubble as he moved along, getting nearer to my wound. He peppered it with kisses but he didn't stop there.

I stared up at the ceiling as I felt him plant a kiss on my hip before nipping it slightly. He hooked his fingers in the belt hoops of my trousers and ran his tongue along the newly revealed strip of skin. In a heartbeat, the constriction around my hips snapped away and left me feeling the sharp cool breath of the night on every single inch of my body.

What happened next sure did a good job of taking my mind off things as I found myself gripping Jack's hair desperately. My body flashed hot and cold is the best way possible. I begged him not to stop and he didn't. The heat in my core built up and the sensations of everything Jack was doing intensified by the second.

Soon, I tipped over the edge and fell into heaven. I was still looking at the ceiling but all I saw were stars. I must've said something but all I heard was Jack's angelic laughter as I floated my way, breathlessly, back down to Earth.

"Did it work?" Jack asked, cheekily. "Judging by the way you practically screamed my name, I think it did."

I nodded enthusiastically. "It worked like magic," I replied, lifting my head to look at him.

He met my gaze with such an innocent spark in his eyes, you'd wonder whether or not it was really him who just did what he did to me.

"Come here," I said to him and he crawled back up to eye level. I rested my hand on his waist and leaned in for a sweet kiss. "You're amazing," I told him.

"I know," he replied. "You tell me that every day."


Cheeky foot massage from Jack there... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I'll see you soon. 

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