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Two updates in two days because, hey, it's the weekend. 


Sally was wrong. He didn't come home before sunset. After my tea, I had fallen asleep on the couch. When I woke up, it was dark out and Jack still wasn't back. Desperate to keep my mind off the nagging anxiety, I found the remote control for the television and turned it on. Half an hour later, I realised that I was just flicking through the channels and I haven't yet settled on one. Despite my realisation, I carried on with my ways.

I heard the door click open but my numb mind dismissed it. I felt an arm snake across my shoulder and I only stopped my actions when I felt his head being pressed into the side of mine. It took one kiss on base of my neck for me to turn off the TV and spin around to hug him tight. He returned the gesture.

"Sorry about that," he mumbled into my shoulder. I could hear it in his voice that the afternoon's events had taken a lot out of him.

Nevertheless, I scolded him, "Don't ever do that again."

He chuckled. "I can't make any promises," he replied grimly.

Somehow, I understood why he couldn't. So I kept quiet.

Finally, I pulled away so I could inspect him. Besides looking worn out and dishevelled, he seemed okay and unharmed. Jack studied at me with a tired smile on his lips, his eyes flicking up and down my face.

"Let's go to bed," he suggested and I agreed.

Back in the room, as both of us laid in bed, I asked him calmly, "So what happened back there?"

"Some people got drunk and started to fight," he replied lightly, as though talking about the weather. "Had to stop them from wrecking the place completely."

"This happens a lot," I remarked.

He looked at me for a second. He knew that I didn't ask a question. Finally he replied, "Yeah, it does."

"Does it ever get out of hand?"

"Occasionally," was his reply. "Some people are harder to calm down than others."

"Do you really need to get involved with fights? Can't you just phone the police?"

He shrugged. "The police takes time to come. And when you run a joint, you're responsible for keeping things peaceful."

His reasoning made sense but I still didn't like the idea of him being involved in drunken violence.

As if he read my mind, he said, "It's part of the job. It can't be helped."

"I don't like it," I sulked.

He laughed softly and pressed a kiss to my temple. "Neither do I," he sighed. "But you get used to it."

The next morning, Jack was still in bed when I woke up. I decided I would consider it a good start to the day. He didn't stir when I shuffled around to get off the bed. Last night's events must've taken its toll on him so I let him sleep while I freshened up.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I could see my chin and jaw were once again covered in a layer of coarse brown hair. Sighing, I picked up the razor and let it do its job so my face was once again smooth and the dark shadow was gone. When did I start having to shave this often to keep presentable? Wasn't it tiresome? I never liked doing it because the idea of having a blade against my skin unnerved me and while I remember doing it a handful of times before, I was still apprehensive. I managed to complete the task and move on to other mundane morning activities.

When I was done and I returned to the bedroom, Jack was still asleep. Although he had rolled over so he was lying on his stomach instead of on his back like he was earlier, his eyes were shut. I was taken a little by surprise when he lifted a hand and wordlessly gestured with his index finger for me to come back to bed. The upwards tug of my lips was almost involuntary as I obediently crawled back under the sheets and right up to him.

I went so close to him that our noses touched, and he still didn't open his eyes. Instead, he groaned and laid his arm over my waist. He was ever so adorable in his groggy state that I couldn't help but press a small kiss on the tip of his nose. His only reaction was to tighten his hold on my waist, pulling me up against him.

"Good morning," I greeted cheerily.

"Morning," he croaked in reply.

"Do you want to get up and go get breakfast?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No, just stay here for a while," he said.

"Okay," I murmured.

As much as I liked the way he looked when he was sleeping, I was beginning to miss his warm gaze. With a motive in mind, I pressed my lips first to his cheek then to the corner of his lips then to his eyelid. I carried on peppering him with kisses, not caring where they landed on his face. I kissed his temple, trailing down the side of his face to his jaw and then placing one or two kisses on his neck, savouring the way his stubble felt against my skin. I moved us so I was straddling his hip and his hands were resting on my hips and thighs. I didn't stop and he was still reluctant to see the morning's light.

"What are you doing?" He whined.

"Trying to get you to wake up," I answered simply, ending my reply with a kiss on his lips that lasted a little longer than the others had.

Frankly, it lasted a lot longer than I initially intended it to be. I deepened the kiss and Jack responded to it and I found myself enjoying it too much to stop. But Jack made a moan of pleasure and it brought me to my senses.

I pulled away and propped myself up on my hands, suspending my face over his. Finally, his long eyelashes fluttered and revealed those big brown eyes that I loved so much.

He blinked up at me before I heard him mumble, "What a beautiful sight to see first thing in the morning."

He reached up to stroke my cheek and I blushed at his touch. Without warning, he put his arms around my waist and flipped us over so that he was on top. I couldn't get a word in before he swooped in for a kiss so eager and hungry. He pressed his body against mine from head to toe and I draped my arms over his neck, relishing in his attention. Our legs got tangled together. His arms were on either side of me, holding me like I might accidentally roll away if he didn't. But I wasn't going anywhere, and I had no intentions of doing so.

We were generating heat in the middle of the cool bed on this chilly fall morning. It was addictive and once we had a taste of it, neither of us wanted to stop. It felt like forever before we fell away from each other, out of breath and feeling more alive than ever. Stillness blanketed us as we came down from our highs and the drama from the night before was forgotten. Even if it was just for that moment in time. 


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