Why I don't enter the Watty award

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Why I don't enter the Watty awards is because when there are rules to follow in writing I just can't do that because writing is the only way to really get out how I feel with our having to tell really anybody yea sure every now and then I do speak up how I feel left out but I just get ignored again. And really I don't have that many friends. Yeas I still have them but not as many as you think. Really I only got maybe seven. I do get along with others just fine with is Why every time the teacher moves our desk I hardly see any of the same people, also I just happen to be one of the only girls in my class who can get along with boys without flirting. ._. Yeap it's true, half of the time you just got to bring up a video game you know they play and BAM there you go you got yourself a gaming budy. Or just a friend who forces you to watch an anime with vampiers. Ok ok way off topic back to the real point. If I have to follow rules I often have to cut back creativity also considering the fact your story has to be completed which for me isn't hard but so many things are happening all at once, I have to worry about school faimly friends writing and my life. I almost never have free time and when I do I sometimes write or I just lay back and text a friend which because her school has stupid rules I only get to talk to her for maybe an hour or two before she has to go to bed. And usauly when she comes over I usauly ask her to write with me because I know I need for get these chapters written so I can publish the book sooner. And I'm just making this harder on my self because I have yet another book out but that's a slow update thing. Now back on topic again. With said rules and having to hold back my creativity it takes me longer to write if they do badly want me to follow the rules. So really I don't like nor do I want to enter an award because of rules. Question. What book so you want me to update next. (accidental friends is not an option due to the fact I don't know what to write and I'm thinking about just ending it there and quitting that series because is have to force myself to write it.)

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