It's been awhile since I've updated this and you have mostly been getting updates from my other books not really knowing what's going on. Well this is just an update for just that and it will be talking about changes that me and my books will be going through.
You guys all know about my Tumblr, Pintrest and my Wordpress by now. Now you may be wondering why I have those and what will they be use for.
Tumblr: I will be posting more life experiences there on kittylikestoblog, I will write one-shots and short stories on kitty-writes-fanfiction, I will be posting webcomics on kittyswebcomics, and learn more about my intrest with countless photos on kittycat350.
Pintrest: I will be posting and repining a lot of my intrest on there, and sometimes art is posted on Pintrrest before wattpad. User is Emokitty350
Wordpress: Will be mostly opinions and stories or if I find a picture funny. Just search up you'll find me!
Now there will be changes for this account. Obviously my writting is way diffrent from my old account which was emokitty350 and what I think of better writing for myself doesn't really seem like it anymore because nobody really gives my books a chance and those who do thank you. But uh I checked my old account and well Gracy: Is it true love is at 20k readers yet this book I'm writing in is only at 1k. Sure my writting has changed but thats because I'm older now. It truly confuses me but this chapter is changes so lets get to that!
Marked: I will update it but really slowly.
Kitty's trashy art: Will be updated but I will be bringing back my pencil paper work as well as digital.
Insanity: That book is more for uh my darker thoughts so people who don't like reading that stuff don't have to skip chapters in this book.
We are (Hollywood Undead ff): I'm going to try to update it more but no promises
and last but not least this book that you are now reading is at chapter 165 and wattpad only lets a book have 200 chapters cause anything over is overkill, so once this book reaches 200 parts I WILL COMPLETE IT then I will update a new book like this but we will talk about that when the time comes.
Also if you have noticed how I've been updateing Supernatural and Friends a lot lately it's because I'm making my friend jettatheawesome update hers everyday with a word count of 400 and over and I said I'll do it with her (Even though I go over the 400 word count)
Also guys if theres a book you want to see me update please tell me! And if you ever want to talk let me know!
Ok, Ok I lied about this chapter being just about changes....
Basically I'm going through this thing where I feel as if my work isn't good enough and that nobody likes it... I can't look at my drawings without saying this is trash, and thats mostly because there are artiest so much better then me. And I'm not doing this for pity I'm just letting you guys know what I've been going through and it unfortunately doesn't stop there. My social anxiety is getting worse and I can't show that to my mom because she will put me back in therapy. It's not my fault I worry about nothing, Its not like I wanted to be diagnosed with it you know. But it's gotten to the point if theres enough people and it's really hot outside I will break down. I will not move, I'll just sit there and curl myself in a ball until one of my friends pulls me away. This actually happened um like two days or so before the last day of school. You may say get help, but help doesn't work for me, it's because I worry about stupid stuff and I worry about nothing. I mean people always ask me why I'm not happy anymore it's because I create this world in my mind where I'm with all my favorite characters from tv shows and books which is why I write fanfictions but in reality I'm just this girl who has mental issues and is just sitting on her bed with a bluetooth keyboard and an iPad typing this as Green Day plays in the background. I mean I've started reading the bible and getting into my religion a bit more but that still doesn't make me a good person. Even my aunt said that. And I told my mom about it the bible and she said "You don't seem like one to read a bible." My cousin said "Good, you need Jesus in your life." Thats why I probably told like 4 friends I read one, they were more understanding, one even offered to take me to church with them. But uh I think I got everything off my chest for now. I will update again.
Kitty's Life for Show!
عشوائيThis is my life my rants my issues my problems my troubles my demons by now you can tell I'm a very troubled lost soul