1. Despite being a cat lover I'm actually slightly allergic to cats, how come only slightly? Well when they have really bad dander (god damn you outdoor cats) and rub up in my face it cause my eyes to get itch and sneezing but it won't kill me.
2. I'm a marvel nerd but not a cool one like my brother, no I'm that emo marvel nerd who watches anime and reads books about cats fighting each other
3. I like to yell at my walls JARVIS (anyone get the reference?)
4. When my friends ask me what am I doing and I'm read fanfic I usually say reading unless you know that I read fanfic then I use reading as a way to hide the fact I read it
5. Nobody in my family knows I read fanfic
6. I feel like I would be a better villain then hero
7. My favorite creepypastas are the Proxies and Slenderman
8. I was so close to asking my mom if she thought I did drugs once
9. I got into a two day argument about who is better Iron man or Loki that is still going
10. My favorite marvel characters are Spider man Hulk Iron Man deadpool and Loki, cause those the ones I feel more attached too
Well I'll add more if I can think of any, tell me Iron Kan or Loki? Also whose side are you routing for the Civil war
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