So today on the bus I had an eyelash in my eye and was trying to get it out and jeanetta was like well someone I knew got a piece of wood in their eye and it was making me feel weird and she was like really! You are messing around near your eye ball about to poke it out. Take note I have long nails.
Then during I.E. I broke my chair.
During choir some girl came up to me saying my friend (it's a dude) likes me and we'll I don't know what to do about that, I don't like him back.
And I may have accidentally told someone that I have only talked to maybe twice that I had social anxiety and he know feels bad for me. He did stop that one kid from being offensive so uh thank you? (Jeanetta don't you fucking dare aww)
And that was my day for show!
Happy reading!
-KittyP.S I'm not done changing book covers or names so uh yea that's still going on.
Kitty's Life for Show!
AléatoireThis is my life my rants my issues my problems my troubles my demons by now you can tell I'm a very troubled lost soul