My Life

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   Most people would never understand that I am really just a simple girl, with simple problems and a career I chose when i was 16. I'm 26 now, a diva on Raw for the World Wrestling Entertainment company, and I finally have the life I always wanted. As Gemini, I'm the top diva in WWE, I make more money than I honestly know what to do with, and yet I'm not completely satisfied because I still haven't gotten my shot at the Diva's Championship which hangs around psycho AJ Lee's pretty little waist. Unfortunately outside the WWE, I'm just Esmeralda Jackson, but the people who know me best and I call my friends call me Esme. I'm a five foot nine brunette with eyes of the deepest emerald green (hence the name), and I was trained by the legendary Ric Flair, Dave Batista and Paul Levesque (Triple H) when they were still part of Evolution along with Randy Orton. I'm tough, fierce and opinionated in a business where most of the divas sit back on their laurels and let the men control everything, and i think that is why I've gotten so far in my career and managed to stay on the radar so long. My best friends in the business are John Cena and Phillip Brooks aka CM Punk, and wouldn't you know it not a single female besides my best friend from Atlanta, Georgia, Kylie Roberts.

   I was raised in and around Atlanta all my life, born there to my mother who then proceeded to leave me with CPS to continue on her wayward hippie ways, and immediately shifted around foster homes for the next ten years. I finally settled in with the Jackson family when I was 11 and starting junior high, and to this day mom and dad are still the best thing that ever happened to me, and helped me pursue my dreams of being a wrestler without question. I met Kylie my freshman year of high school and she was like a dream come true for me, and has been by my side through thick and thin since, seeing as she is on the road with me at all times as my official makeup designer and costume designer. She is also dating Phil, has been for the last three years actually and is hoping that come Christmas in four months he finally gets off his ass and proposes to her. For me love just hasn't happened, though I have dated a few guys in the business, John being one of them. The other two where Drew Galloway (McIntyre) who is still my friend and all but wrestles mostly on Smackdown with his group 3MB and Mike "The Miz" Mizanin, who is a douche and decided I was better as arm candy. I'm no man's arm candy and I respect myself more in this business than to be some ring babe.

   "Hey Es, have you seen this new article on The Shield, those guys are serious about their gimmick aren't they?" Kylie said as she handed me the latest WWE Magazine, as she was doing my hair for a red carpet event i was attending with John, for his latest project with Susan G. Komen, for breast cancer.

   I haven't personally been affected by The Shield in the ring like John or Phil have over recent months, but they were definitely a presence and meant to stay. "No I haven't seen it, but Phil was talking about it this morning at breakfast in between stuffing his mouth and making out with you," I reminded her as I smirked and she blushed like always when I talked about her boyfriend.

   Kylie finished my hair finally, i was in dire need of layers and a color but I hated to change my look, even though my hair hung down to about three inches from my waist and was wavy. Right now it was pinned up in a beautiful up-do with soft curls hanging around my neck and face, and starched to perfection so it wouldn't move, and accented with pink barrettes to match my dress. The dress itself was dark pink, it hugged my curves graciously from the one shoulder sleeve down to the floor Grecian style, and had silver embroidery all along the bodice. I'd had it altered so it wouldn't drag the floor like it was supposed to, but it still touched the floor in my flats, because I am not a fan of heels and think men made them to cause us agony and pain. Plus, with me being so tall, in heels I'm usually as tall if not taller than guys I go out with, and as a girl from rural Atlanta I am more comfortable in jeans and boots then anything else. After dressing and having Kylie help me get everything in place, seeing as I seem to be blessed with a nice bust and it takes a minute to get them situated inside anything formal nicely.

   "God help John and the men he is going to have to fight off with you looking like that Esme, I mean honestly I think you would look beautiful in a paper sack, your curves rival that of Khloe Kardashian, who we all know you look like alot, and yet you seem to carry yourself just a bit better. I hate you, I feel so plain next to you sometimes," Kylie tells me as I look at her and roll my eyes because she reminds me of Scarlett Johanssen in The Avengers with her auburn hair and pixie type good looks.

   "Obviously Phil thinks you're beautiful or he wouldn't be with you, so hush, because I don't want to hear it woman," I tell her as a knock sounds at my hotel room door and I make my way to answer it, and see John standing there on the other side, dashing as ever in his black suit with a dark pink dress shirt to match my dress and breast cancer tie I found for him on Amazon.

Okay there's the first chapter, sorry it's short, still trying to figure all this out and everything. Comment and I'm gonna try to upload more here in a bit. Hoping when I'm at work I can still work on this and upload everyday to keep y'all interested.

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