Happiness is Key

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The following Monday I was so excited I almost forgot my gym bag and Kylie on the bus after pulling into Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in L.A., as I rushed to find Joe who'd text me he'd just arrived as well. When I saw him finally I dropped my bag knowing Kylie would get it, and did a running leap straight into his waiting arms kissing him fiercely, letting him know I'd missed him terribly.

"Well, if I knew all I had to do was make you miss me to get you excited to see me, I'd make myself scarce more often," he joked as I did the usually rolling of my eyes and shook my head.

"I missed you because I've gotten used to your being there all the time, two weeks without my travel buddy was torture. It helps you're cute and adorable to boot, and have mega muscles like a Greek god, just saying," as we both laughed and he finally let me down.

Kylie said hello to him and gave him a hug as she headed inside to put our stuff down and find Phil and John since they'd just gotten back from doing a signing. "You changed your hair babe, it suits you. Thank you for not chopping it off like you'd threatened. I like you with long hair, it's something I can grab when you misbehave and use to pull you back to me, so I can do this," was all I heard before Joe tugged playfully at my hair and had his lips on mine again, teasing and nipping, before gaining entrance and dancing his tongue across mine.

I heard myself moan deep in my throat as we kissed, I craved the man there was no doubt there ever, as I flung my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I heard a throat clear and we parted as we looked behind us and saw Colby and Jonathan making funny faces and kissing noises as they pretended to make out with their arms, as Joe looked down at me and shook his head.

"I apologize ahead of time for Ren and Stimpy over there, I told Vince that we needed a cage for the animals, he just didn't believe me."

"It's fine babe, seems like the monkeys need their bananas and some supervised play time."

Colby and Jonathan heard our conversation and stopped playing around, mumbling about how women were trouble and made men soft, to which Joe gave them a look and had them both hushing up fast. We walked inside to our respective dressing rooms, a last fleeting kiss to last us until after the show, and the promise to be careful like always. Inside my locker room was John, Randy, and Stephen Farrelly (Sheamus) all joking and laughing as I looked around for Kylie and Phil, then I got three pairs of intensely different colored eyes focused on me at the same time.

"Yeah like that's not awkward and tells me my name was in that little conversation just now. Grow up guys seriously, I don't care what it is you think you'll save me from, or how you'll get me to open my eyes, etcetera. I'm with Joe, plain and simple, leave it alone."

"Aye lass you are with Joe and we all understand that, but what are you going to do when he pulls you in and makes you forget your friends. The very people who have your back, could become your enemies, because of his corruption of you,"Stephen explained first as John and Randy kept an eye on me.

"Have you not realized he's not that person he plays in the ring, just like none of us are except John Boy over here. My god guys really, can I not have a single relationship without someone being a dick and making it difficult for me," I retorted as I glared straight at John knowing he was the mastermind behind all this.

John got up then and came to where I stood, and before I knew it his lips were on mine kissing me softly and freely, as my mind went blank from shock and disbelief. "I will get you back love. This thing with Anoa'i will end and you'll be hurt and I'll be there to heal that broken heart of yours. That or you can just realize now I'm the one and dump him hard core and we get back together now."

The sound of my hand connecting with John's face seconds after those words left his mouth, reverberated off the walls as I felt hot tears run down my face in anger. "Get Out! I'm done with this John, I want you to leave me alone, stay away from me, and pretend like I don't exist. As for you two, I'd advise you to keep your opinions to yourself, and let me live my life or else you'll suffer my wrath. You know what stay here, I'm leaving," I grabbed my bag and headed out to find Joe and get ready with him.

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