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Esme's POV

It's been almost three months since Kylie and Phil got married, both are back at work now, and I've officially been back on Raw for a month and a half. I had to finish up and drop the title to Trinity on Smackdown before I could come over, but now that I'm back I'm working my way up to get the belt from AJ again. Joe and I are doing better, we've been seeing a counselor once a week to help with everything that went on, and get us healthy again. At first I didn't want to, I've grown up dealing with them and didn't trust them, but I've broken out of the comfort zone now and it's going good. Jonathan is back with the SHIELD doing promos only and going ringside, he still has two more months of rehab before be can wrestle in the ring, so they all share a bus again, happily.

Currently I'm sharing a bus with Kylie and Phil though I'm sleeping on the pull out and have given them the back room, and had it sound proofed so I can't hear them. I spend time with Joe though whenever possible, we share a locker room on the road, and he's gotten better about seeing John and I together now that he's back from his injury. He knows that John is just my friend, they've actually sat down without me and hashed out their issues, and now everything is gravy. Randy, Stephen and Stuart go between both shows now, Randy especially since he's the new WWE champion. Right now I'm laying on my bed on the bus, reading my newest Nicholas Sparks book and enjoying peace and quiet, as I let myself sink into the words before me, wishing Joe wasn't on Smackdown this week cause I miss him. I'm almost asleep sometime later when my phone goes off and I see that it's from Joe, so I sit up and answer it.

"Hey baby, how was your match tonight?" I ask happily as I wait for a response.

"It was good baby, we'll be back with Raw by Friday, so just a few more days without me. You miss me yet?"

"Of course I do, but I've learned to find ways to keep me occupied, like right now I was reading. If I don't do that, I'm working out more to get toned now that I've gained my weight back, plus some. Your mom's cooking is going to be the death of my diet. And I'm writing in my journal everyday like we'd discussed with the therapist. So I'm doing better," I tell him as he laughs on the other end.

"Yeah mom's food definitely makes me do a few extra crunches in the gym, but it's so good. I've been writing alot myself, but the guys keep me company with video games, where you got the two freaks to deal with. I love you Esmeralda, I do want you forever, I know I've made mistakes by being a dick to you. I plan on changing that though, I do. I'll see you in a few days, I'm going to go shower and then I'm going to bed cause we got to do something early tomorrow for the magazine. I love you, sleep well my princess," he told me as we hung up and I put my phone down just as Kylie came out of the room.

"Lover boy calling after his match tonight huh? I'm glad you two are working on your relationship, you two belong together. Good to see our therapist is helping you the way she helped us, she is one awesome lady."

"Yeah she is, no doubt about that. She's made us both admit our issues, helped Joe work past the cheating with Drew, helped me with my depression because of the cheating, etc. Now if we could just get back to where we were before and go through with the wedding I've planned and put on hold, it'd be nice," I told her as she rolled her eyes and grabbed a bottle of water, before going back to her room.

Kylie hated I was so impatient about marrying Joe, because it'd taken Phil awhile to realize they should be married after their incident with AJ, but I've always been impatient. It was one if the things I was working on in therapy alone, because I'd mentioned to the therapist that I hated waiting for Joe and I to make it official, and finally be man and wife. The therapist had explained to me that things take time, and to rush could hurt us, but I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, more than ever now. The incident with Drew had opened my eyes, talks with my mom and dad had helped me to understand both sides of a relationship, and now with therapy I realized I deserved to have my happily ever after. I sighed and went back to reading my book, now that I was awake it would be awhile before I fell back to sleep, night as well be constructive.

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