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I'd been dating Joe for a month now and enjoying his company in a way I never did with John or Drew, and we officially became a couple 3 days ago. Right now he's on tour with Smackdown for two weeks, and I'm in Chicago with Kylie and Phil for a few days, relaxing after a hellacious match for both of us at Elimination Chamber. I won mine and now I'm the new Divas champ and Phil is the new number one contender for Alberto Del Rio's World Heavyweight Champion. Joe and Colby are still the tag team champs, but we all have a feeling they'll be losing them soon, because his cousins have been getting a big push and are quickly becoming the it tag team.

"Ky ky, I need you to do something with my hair girl I'm seriously getting sick of this one dimensional hairdo."

"I told you yesterday we just need to go to the beauty supply store, because I have an idea of something new for you. But all I'm doing is trimming your dead ends and thinning that shit out, you seriously have some thick hair."

"That's fine, it'll help with the headaches I tend to get when it's up, too much weight hanging down. I can't wait until we come back here and it's snowing, just to play in it and make a snowman," I said as Phil laughed from his office and told me to grow up.

He and John finally have gotten over their animosity towards Joe, more so Phil than John because he knows I'm stubborn, but John's trying. Every now and then he'll make a comment about the group he's in, and everyone rolls their eyes, but John gives us evil looks a lot that make me wanna slap him senseless. Right now Phil is talking with Paul about a new story line they've decided to put him in, as Kylie and I lounge in the living room and relax, she's reading the 50 Shades trilogy and is very much into it lately. I'm busy text messaging my boyfriend about his latest match the night before, and how much he misses me. Usually during the day I spend it with him, Colby and Jonathan playing video games or Texas hold 'em which I've gotten pretty good at, while my nights are spent with Kylie and Phil. Kylie knows all we've done is kiss, let me tell you the man makes my knees weak with his kisses, and hopes we give it a few more months before we get intimate. I'm not even sure if I'm ready for that, but Joe knows I want us to wait at least till we've been a couple for awhile, and he's very understanding thank heavens.

I decide to go for a run and tell them both I'm leaving and I have my phone, as I grab my hoodie from the guest room and head outside and find John pulling up. He gets out of the car and I can't help but notice the bruises on his face and neck and wonder what in the hell happened to him. "Please tell me the other guy looks worse then you, and you got your licks in as well," I say joking.

"I didn't get in a fight woman, some moron two days ago hit me while I was home in Tampa and totaled my new Mustang. I'm okay though, the bruising on my face and neck are from my air bag, and the necklace I had on at the time. I'm pretty bruised all over, I'm just covered so you can't see it, and I'm out for 2 weeks so I can heal up a bit."

"Good to see you're okay though, sorry bout your baby I know she was your favorite. Phil and Kylie are inside, I'm going for a run so I'll see you later," I told him as I put my headphones in and started off at an easy pace.

John's POV

Seriously that's all I get is a glad to see you're okay, and sorry bout your baby, god that woman is frustrating. I shake my head and walk into the house with my bag, as Phil comes out of his office and greets me. then checks my face to see how bad I'm beat up.

"John, you and those sports cars of yours are gonna kill you, or something one day. I know this wasn't your fault, but you know you're a lucky son of a gun right?"

"Really doesn't matter, it's not like she'd miss me Phil, now that she has Samoan Romeo by her side," I say rolling my eyes as Phil grimaces at me and shakes his head in disgust.

He takes a deep breath and exhaled before continuing with his next sentence, "John you know I'm your friend, but you have to move on, because obviously she has. I haven't seen Esme this alive since she came into the WWE, I happen to like the new her, despite her extremely questionable choice in men. Let it go. Please tell me you didn't come here in hopes to rekindle the romance while Joe is on Smackdown, or I swear I'll shot you myself?" he tells me as I laugh and say no.

"I'm not that evil and cruel Phil; I'm here to enjoy a few days off with y'all and maybe she'll see I'm different from him in the process," I say with a grin that has him swearing under his breath and walking off agitated, while I head up to my usual guest room and put my things up.

I've loved Esme since the moment I saw her backstage for her first day of work, I just didn't tell her until after my divorce with Liz was final 2 years ago. I told her just after she'd broken it off with Galloway, as she was leaving to head to her bus with Phil and Kylie, and she'd looked at me shocked. She'd been wrestling for just over 4 years by then, was Woman's Champ before they combined the women's belt into one, and had her hair just below her shoulders then with pink streaks through it and a nose ring. I can remember perfectly the outfit she wore, from the boots to the now retired Aikman jersey she'd had custom made into a sparkly looking tank top, and the fact she just kind of shrugged off my declaration and said we'd talk later.

Later had taken 3 months of getting to know her, trying to be there whenever she needed it, and being the typical guy friend with boundaries I hated with a passion. Finally I'd just said screw it and asked her out to dinner at a nice restaurant in Houston, Texas, and we'd spent 3 hours laughing and joking about nothing. We discussed being a couple, to which she told me she had to think, and for 2 weeks I was literally a mess waiting to hear her answer. When she had finally told me yes I immediately picked her up and swung her around, kissed her with a fervor I'd thought long forgotten, and we'd been okay in my eyes. Little did I know that our time together would only be a year, that'd I'd screw up by communicating with Liz and hiding it from her, and that'd she basically blow up in my face and tell me I was lucky to still have her as a friend. I still regretted what happened because I'd been a jerk and tried to make it out to be her fault, but in the end our relationship had dissipated and she moved on without a second thought, which hurt worse then us actually breaking up.

I'd been so lost in my thoughts I hadn't heard my bedroom door open, and there stood Kylie with a look on her face that said she meant business. "John what is your problem? Why can you not just let her be happy and move on, she's not coming back to you, ever. That girl you dated a year ago has changed, she's happier now, and she's moved on. You need to do the same thing," she told me as I looked at her and realized for the first time how much Kylie looked like a pixie, and I smiled despite her angry tone.

"Look Kylie, I've tried to move on, I even dated Nikki Bella for awhile to see if it would help. Esmeralda haunted my dreams, my daydreams, my nightmares, everything. I don't know how to move on other than to get her fired and banished from the WWE, because seeing her everyday is torture."

Kylie looked at me with sorrow filled eyes that screamed apology, and I looked away because I hate to see that look from a woman. "John, the best thing for you is to let her go, as hard as it may be, if she decides to come back then she will. Quit pushing her away by being annoying."

I looked back and Kylie had walked out as I laid on the bed and started at the ceiling, wondering if maybe I should just give up and see what happens. I heard the front door close and knew by the running up the stairs it was Esme coming back from her run, and then the shower started in the bathroom between our rooms as I heard her lock my door to go in. I groaned because all I could think of was her naked and the water running down her body, and I cursed the erection that was starting to form in my jeans, as I flipped over and hoped it went away as I tried to fall asleep. God I've lost my mind, she's gone and I know it, why can't I just accept defeat and move on?

Esme's POV

John stayed here for the rest of my vacation which was slightly awkward, and I made it a point to try and avoid him when necessary so as not to provoke fighting. Kylie had told me about her conversation with him a few days back, and I couldn't fathom why the man still put himself through that kind of torture when he knew I wasn't coming back to him. I even decided to confide in Joe about it which surprised me because I'm usually not so forth coming about personal issues, and he helped soothe my conscience by telling me to just let it go. If John chose to torture himself let him, because I'd broken it off because of him lying to me, and I'd obviously moved on from it, while he hadn't. I was excited to get back to Raw tomorrow, because it meant that I only had one more week before Joe and The Shield came back on with us, and I'd be able to see him in human form again.

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