The Mistake

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Joe's POV

I'd talked to Esme a few minutes ago, they were in Denver, Colorado for a Diva's shot, while I was in L.A. with Colby and Raw. She'd told me about the heart to heart she'd finally had with Drew, how he'd admitted he still loved her, but wanted her happy even though it wasn't with him. I'll be the first to admit I hate that we don't get to spend the time together, like she does with Galloway now, but I'm secure enough in my relationship to trust her. I know she hated having to talk to him about his feelings, but I also know she'll be happier that it's out in the open and cleared up for good. Colby has told me plenty of times that I was a stronger man than him for letting my fiancee share a bus with two guys, and neither one being me. He didn't understand the faith I had in my relationship with Esme, we'd been together for a year now as a couple, I'd asked her to marry me, I had to have faith in something. But lately I'd heard in her voice the stress of separate lives was taking on her, and it made me wonder, should I worry?

I honestly didn't think I should considering they'd talked and everything, but it had me all kinds of twisted up inside wondering what really was going on without me there? I had to thank Colby for making me doubt things, and the fact that my ex girlfriend Lia Snuka had cheated on me with one of my fellow wrestlers three years before, which made me cautious. I pushed my feelings to the side for the time being, if something was happening I'd find out about it in due time, they'd slip up eventually. If nothing was happening then I wouldn't have a reason to doubt her ever, because even when faced with temptation she wouldn't act on it, and would be by my side 100%. I finished working out with the treadmill and was amazed to see I'd run ten miles while my brain had been on other things, and I'd been in the gym for almost an hour. I did a cool off then got off the equipment, grabbed my water bottle and emptied it, as I headed to the showers to freshen up for the rest of the day.

It was five-thirty when my phone went off about a text message, and I opened it up to see a message from Esme, she'd just gotten done with her shoot after 8 hours of craziness. She told me she'd just finished washing off the pound of makeup they'd put on her, plus the spray tan and glitter, and she was ready for bed and dinner. She'd also gotten a few of the proofs and was emailing them to me asap, so to be on the lookout, and that she missed me something fierce. From Denver, she'd be heading to Phoenix, for Smackdown, then stay there so we could have Payback on Sunday. Then she'd leave and head towards California, while I stayed in Phoenix for Raw, before heading to New Mexico. My email beeped at me just then, and I opened it to find her email, as I opened the attachment and almost fell out of my seat on the sofa. She looked like a goddess in her shots, her body barely covered even with the lingerie on, and I felt bad for the men who'd be buying the issue and wishing they could see that in person like I did.

I had to admire the fact that my future wife was gorgeous any way you saw her, in sweat pants and a tank top no makeup, in jeans and a shirt with her hair in a ponytail, or looking like she did before me in the pictures. I preferred her naked and moaning my name as I made love to her for hours, caressing her body and making her mine everytime. I saved the pictures, closed out my email, and decided to go watch a movie since I wasn't really hungry yet and Colby was still out. I didn't hear from Esme again that night until she text me goodnight around 9, Smackdown kept her busy with fan signings and photo shoots, the Be A Star program, and even Susan B. Komen. I was glad she stayed busy, but I missed my woman fierce unless it was her day off and we could video chat.

Esme's POV

It's been 24 hours since the photo shoot, but I'm happy to be one day closer to Phoenix, and seeing Joe. I'm sitting on my bed, after a long day of workouts and interviews, in soft sleep pants and a long sleeve sleep shirt, wishing I had Joe there to keep me warm. Lately I've had to curl up with two blankets on my bed to keep warm, being in the cold has never been one of my favorite things, I tend to hibernate when I am. I'm sitting there just relaxing when I hear a soft knock on my door and I get up to see what it is, and find Drew on the other side in his own sweatpants and thermal shirt.

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