The Day After Yesterday

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Esme's POV

I woke up Monday after Wrestlemania and cringed in pain because of my match the night before; I had worked hard to keep my title and my body was feeling it for sure today. I looked over at my sleeping giant next to me, he looked so peaceful and calm this way, it broke my heart because I knew he'd been dealing with a lot thanks to me. I grabbed my cell to call my mama and talk to her, seeing as we had no engagements until tonight's Raw broadcast, and to get her input on the situation with John and Joe.

"Morning baby girl how are you feeling? We watched your match last night I'm surprised you're even able to get out of bed," she said when she answered my call.

"I'm tougher than that mom, but I am hurting I'm not gonna lie to you, and I plan on taking a long soak in the tub here in a bit. Mom I need advice," I told her as I curled up on the couch in the sitting room with a cup of tea.

"I figured you'd ask me that soon enough, I've been talking to Carol myself, she's already informed me of what John did last night to Joe. I've never dealt with anything like this personally, you know dad's the only man I've ever dated, but he's sick Esmeralda. John needs help, professional help at that, to move on and live a full life. From what Carol understands from her conversation with Vince this morning, after Raw tonight he's giving John a holiday, and he's required to get help before he can come back. I think it's the best thing for him."

I hadn't known Vince was that upset, we rarely deal with him it's mostly Paul or Stephanie, but I guess after last night big dog decided he needed to step in. "I'm sorry that Carol has to go through that seeing as John Sr won't have anything to do with his therapy, but you're right, he needs help. So how do I deal with Joe and all the stress this has had to have put on him?"

"That is a different situation all together my dear, Joe is a protector it's what he knows. It's killing him that he can't protect your heart from getting beat up, and you need to assure him that he's doing his job correctly. That's the only advice I can give you on that, the rest is up to you dear."

We talked a little bit longer than mom had to go to head out to work, but the words she'd said rang in my ears. Assure him he's the protector, well shit that's easier said than done in my situation. I'm so stubborn and independent I forget that I have someone whose willing to fight my battles with me, and I've pushed him to the side made him feel lesser of a man. I can't be weak though cause then he'll know that's not me, so how do you find the common ground where we were both satisfied? That was a question Joe himself would have to answer for me, which meant us actually getting to sit down and have a discussion alone. Guess I better wake him up and get this over with, I need us to be on the same page, and happy with everything again.

I walk into the bedroom and he's still passed out in the bed, so I walk over to his side and sit on the edge, moving the hair off his face and seeing my giant look peaceful. He stirs as I caress his face with my hand, and smiles sleepily making my heart flutter like only he can, before grabbing me and pulling me onto him. "Good morning beautiful what are you doing up already?" he asks me as he kisses me and I lay my head next to his.

"I'm getting so used to getting up early that my body did it for me this morning, which sucks. Called my mother to talk to her since I passed out last night, and then I decided to wake up my man," I told him kissing him again and suddenly wanting more than to talk.

My clothes soon find themselves on the floor as I crawled back under the comforter next to Joe, his eyes are hungry with desire, and I find him happily hard when I run my hand up his leg. I could easily just slide on top of him and make love to him fast, but I know I have to let him see that he's got pull too in this. So I lay my head on his shoulder, playing with his hair and twirling it around my fingers, as he turns to look at me and gives me a weird look. To take the question out of his eyes I kiss him long and hard, twirling my tongue around his and suddenly he's got me beneath him and has me pinned to the bed making me wish like hell he'd take me already.

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